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How to Consume Less Gasoline?

How to Consume Less Gasoline?

Do you dream of queuing less often at the pump? Our advice tells you how to proceed so that the small gauge goes down more slowly...

Away from cities it is often very useful to have a car, and being able to control your fuel consumption is essential.

So what's the trick? Sometimes there are obvious facts that we forget in the heat of the moment, like when we are about to buy a new car for example.

You want to buy a new car and after looking and thinking a lot about 36 different models and colors, you hesitate to choose between the two or three most interesting.

So all you have to do is choose between model A, model B or model C... our advice will be to make your final choice based on the lowest consumption of the three.

Why give the last word to this selection criterion? Because what you will spend the first time at the pump you will regularly redo throughout the year!

So to avoid unpleasant surprises when doing your accounts at the end of the year, it is better to anticipate and choose a car that consumes little fuel. Why not a hybrid?


Driving frequently and going to the pump often means spending a lot of money in a month, and even more at the end of the year.

Do your accounts:between a greedy model and another more sober and with a smaller displacement, it is easy to go from simple to double in terms of the fuel bill.

And in this case by organizing yourself to consume less gasoline you can manage to save several hundred euros over the year, which is far from negligible!

More than enough to leave quietly from time to time for the weekend on the small departmental roads...