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How to drive economically?

How to drive economically?

A car is's not a exaggeration:our advice opens the way to more economical and less disorderly driving. Follow us passing the first slowly...

We left. The car is a special space where everything often goes very fast. Too fast even:at the end of the month you can't believe all you spend on it.

You would like a trick to limit all this a little. The first thing to do is to respect the distances with the vehicle in front of you.

By leaving a safe distance, you also adopt a more reasonable speed. This regular speed has many advantages. Among other things, it allows you to consume less fuel.

But this moderate speed also makes it easier for you to keep the distance you need so you don't constantly have to brake hard when traffic slows down.

This way you avoid over-consumption of petrol because you don't need to accelerate again and you also limit your risk of having an accident.

As a result, by applying our advice, your driving is wiser and more relaxed. Put yourself back in the situation before, when you pressed the accelerator all the time:you are not better behind the wheel now?

How to drive economically?

Savings Achieved

You understood that the road should not be the road to bankruptcy or the hospital, and you found it wiser to adopt another way of getting around by researching how to drive economically.

Our advice has shown you that if you respect the distances with other vehicles, you win on all counts.

You save gas, which considerably reduces your note at the end of the year:at least 20% of fuel saved.

But you also drive more zen by following this advice and your trip becomes pure pleasure again instead of turning into a stressful session that can lead to accidents.

And it's still as much saved on the insurance penalty.