Growing cucumbers takes a LOT of space.
Why ? Because they spread all over the vegetable garden!
It is sometimes up to 1 square meter that is occupied by a single foot.
So if you want to grow beautiful cucumbers on a balcony, it's not very practical!
Fortunately, there is an easy way to grow more cucumbers while usingless space.
The trick is to grow the cucumbers upright through a tutor. Look, it's quite simple:
By growing them vertically, the cucumbers will spread out on the stake instead of spreading all over the garden.
It is the ideal solution to save space in the vegetable garden. Even better, it allows you to grow it on a terrace or in a house yard!
Here's how:
To grow cucumbers vertically in a pot, choose a pot about 30 cm deep and wide. How many cucumber plants can you grow in a pot this size? It really depends on the variety you are planting.
Climbing varieties of cucumbers root deeply and climb quite high. As for the so-called "dwarf" varieties, they keep the size of a bush. In any case, be aware that cucumbers are quite invasive and spread easily, even the so-called "dwarf" varieties.
Whether you grow the cucumber in a pot or in the ground, put the stake in place fairly soon after planting. Staking is an important step.
Why ? Because the cucumber starts very quickly and will need to hang on quickly. The best is therefore to stake it quickly. For example, you can use a wooden stake with wire netting.
For this, set up a sturdy stake of about 1.80 m. It should not collapse under the weight of plants and fruits. With wooden rods or iron wires, establish horizontal lines so that the stems of cucumbers hang easily and rise little by little.
You can make your own support for growing cucumbers using old chicken wire or trellis.
At the beginning of its growth, you can tie the plant to guide it and make the cucumbers climb. She will then end up clinging on her own.
You can sow cucumber seeds directly in the right place in the ground or in small pots. In both cases, remember to cover the seeds with about 2 cm of soil. Once the seeds start to germinate and have a few leaves, transfer the most perennial seeds to a larger pot or to the ground if the soil has a temperature around 20°C.
It is important to protect the seeds from frost or cold nights depending on where you live. Indeed, the cucumber needs direct sun and a lot of light and heat. You can also mulch the foot to keep the freshness. Space your feet well and do not hesitate to enrich the soil with manure or compost.
The cucumber does not like windy places, but loves exposure to full sun and heat. It does not tolerate when the temperature drops below 10°C. The optimal temperature for growing cucumbers is between 15 and 35°C knowing that it fully flourishes around 30°C. Now that you know its requirements, choose the ideal place for it in your vegetable garden or on your terrace.
Cucumber prefers well-drained, loose soil that is rich in organic matter. But not only. The deeper and pH-neutral your soil, the better for the cucumber. Know that you can test the pH of your soil with white vinegar.
Regular and deep watering is essential, especially during the growth and fruiting period. Indeed, just like the tomato, the cucumber is a fruit full of water, so it must be provided with enough throughout its growth. To avoid the appearance of fungi that develop on the foliage, avoid watering the cucumber leaves.
When planting, add slow-release fertilizer to the soil. Once the plant begins to flower, you can apply a fertilizer made from aged manure.
There you go, now you know how to grow cucumbers vertically :-)
By following these simple instructions, you will be able to grow cucumbers with less space and above all have more at harvest!
This method of cultivation also has the advantage of preventing the vegetables from being soiled.