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The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

Do you know what the dirtiest things in the house are?

Do you think it's the toilet bowls?

False. There is much worse than that.

Bacteria settle and grow in places you don't think of.

And it is after that the worries arrive. When you get sick!

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

So, without making you paranoid, but just to pay attention, here are the 10 dirtiest objects in our daily lives.

1. Banknotes

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

Palme d'or in all categories:banknotes. As well as coins, of course. You can easily find 26,000 bacteria there. Be careful, because viruses can be transmitted for more than 2 weeks in this way.

2. The computer keyboard

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

It's a little better known. We also advise you to clean it in case of flu. But did you know that it is 5 times dirtier than your toilet? It contains 150 times the maximum dose of harmful bacteria.

3. Restaurant menus

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

On a restaurant menu, some germs remain active for 18 hours! Enough to catch several bacteria responsible for a few different diseases. "What can I serve you? A little gastro?"

4. The refrigerator

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

Yes, me too, when I found out, I felt sick. We think it's so clean. We are wrong. Temperature differences help bacteria grow. Result:750 times the maximum dose of bacteria in the vegetable drawer alone!

5. The handshake

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

Shaking hands with someone can transmit many viruses and germs. On the other hand, the "Fist Bump", (see photo) practiced by the Obamas in particular, reduces the transmission of bacteria by 10.

6. The doormat

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

Remember to maintain your doormat! As you know, faecal bacteria in particular are transmitted through shoes. And 96% of doormats contain these microbes.

7. The office

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

In the office, it's not just the computer that is a breeding ground for germs. Your desk itself, therefore the piece of furniture, is adored by bacteria. No less than 20,000 bacteria would be present there on barely 6 cm2.

The office is one of the favorite refuges of bacteria, with around 20,000 bacteria per 6 square centimeters. Add to that your keyboard (seen above), and you will see your workplace differently.

8. Smartphone screens

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

Well yes, you had to suspect it! This object is so touched all the time... So your smartphone can contain 18 times more bacteria than your toilet bowl (yuck)...

9. Cutting boards

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

Especially the wooden ones. They are rarely cleaned, or so little and so badly, that they contain 200 times more microbes than your toilet bowl (yuck again...) This is even more the case when you cut meat raw, which contains a lot of bacteria.

Come on, I'll help you:here's the ingenious trick to properly clean your cutting board.

10. Peanuts from bars

The 10 Dirtiest Objects in Our Daily Life.

Means here the peanuts "in self-service". It's quite disgusting, but know that a study, less than 20 years ago, detected no less than 14 different traces of urine on these peanuts... Bon appetit!

Conclusion:do not go out without disinfectant products or disinfectant wipes. Clean your computer keyboards, cutting boards, fridges, etc. often. with white vinegar. And, above all, avoid self-service peanuts! Ask the bartender for "clean" ones.