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These are the garden trends of 2020

Inner Retreat, Blended Cultures and Street Savage are the three garden trends of 2020, according to Tuinbranche Nederland. The trends have been translated into three model gardens that show that sustainability, biodiversity and water-friendliness can also be designed in a contemporary way. Excess rainwater runs off quickly (no puddles), there is plenty of room for greenery (also nice for butterflies, birds and insects) and materials are reused. The trend gardens serve as inspiration with the aim of a green and healthy living environment for people and animals.

Inner Retreat
The Inner Retreat trend is all about slowing down. In the garden, for example, a wooden platform provides peace and unity. Borders and a pond have been laid out in oval recesses. You will not find violent colors or extreme shapes in this garden trend. The hanging baskets with plants on the pergola give the garden an intimate and extra green look. The plants with fine leaf and stem structures form the buffer between the busy outside world and the need for rest. The use of white tones and transparent materials enhance the calming effect. During rain showers, the rainwater can easily drain into the borders, pond and through the openings of the deck. The garden also offers a warm welcome to birds, butterflies, bees and other pollinators.

These are the garden trends of 2020

Blend Cultures
Digitalization broadens and narrows our world, so that we tend to live in our own bubble, with only like-minded people. This Blended Cultures trend breaks through this and blurs boundaries. In this example garden you will therefore find a mix of materials, worlds and cultures. There is also room for a very colorful mix of different plants. These can be found in a green wall, among other things. Natural tones play with the bright accent colours. For example, a greenhouse gets an exotic look by providing the windows with colored foil. Furniture and accessories are a mix of local and global and give a cheerful, casual and folkloric atmosphere. Plants, both native and exotic, are attractive to garden animals and insects. Rainwater is collected in rain barrels or can immediately sink into the ground in the generous borders.

These are the garden trends of 2020

Street Savage
The Street Savage trend is anything but an ordinary picture. Imperfection and freedom are the starting point. In this exemplary garden, this translates into an unconventional appearance with influences from the hip-hop scene and from the street. The industrial furniture (for chilling out) and pots are made from recycled materials and the fences are painted with graffiti. On the ground is semi-paved (Black Sparkle). This gives a street look but, unlike a concrete floor, the rainwater can sink directly into the ground. Plants are usually in pots in cheerful colours. By choosing nectar-rich greenery, butterflies, bees and other pollinators can get their fill.

These are the garden trends of 2020

Photo credit:Tuinbranche Nederland/Maayke de Ridder