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30 Things To Throw Away To Gain Space Immediately.

30 Things To Throw Away To Gain Space Immediately.

Want to save space at home?

It's a very good resolution for the new year!

Yes, but where to start?

The easiest way is to get rid of objects you no longer use.

To help you out, we've listed 30 things you can throw away to save space instantly . Watch:

30 Things To Throw Away To Gain Space Immediately.

Click here to easily print this guide in PDF.

Where to start?

By "disposal" I mean recycle , donate to an association or sell items you no longer need.

Remember:throwing an object is really only a last resort!

With this easy list, you can make a big tidy up in just 15 short minutes.

No need to think: this list only contains stuff you really don't need.

So, no more excuses to let them hang around the house!

Believe my experience, it's high time to say STOP and restore some meaning and serenity to your life.


30 Things To Throw Away To Gain Space Immediately.

1. DVDs you no longer watch

Donate it to an association like Emmaüs.

2. Mismatched socks

30 Things To Throw Away To Gain Space Immediately.

There are original ideas to give a second life to old socks. If not, it's time to say goodbye to them.

To discover: 62 Ingenious Ways To Repurpose Orphan Socks.

3. Ketchup and soy sauce pods to go

Honestly, these things don't belong in your fridge.

4. Tupperware and food boxes without lids

And hop ! In the recycling bin!

5. Dried up markers &pens

It goes without saying, right? If not, you can always use our trick to revive dried out markers. Check out the easy tutorial here.

6. Clothes that are too worn or that no longer fit you

Donate old clothes that are slightly worn or that you no longer wear to an association, such as Emmaüs.

Otherwise, you can also try selling them at a garage sale or on social networks.

For example, I am part of a local Facebook group that sells second-hand clothes and accessories.

To discover: The Infallible Trick To Sort Out Your Clothes.

7. Chipped cups, glasses &plates

Frankly, why keep them?

8. Expired coupons

Good to know:most stores do not accept expired coupons.

9. Receipts for items you can no longer trade

According to their policy, most stores do not accept returns or exchanges after a certain period of time. So what's the point of keeping it? Nothing!

10. The kitchen utensils you never use

For example, these 3 cupcake cases that have been lying around in your closet for 10 years?

Or that bamboo mat for making homemade sushi that you NEVER use?

All those accessories take up space, and it's time to get rid of them.

11. Books you have already read

Keep only books that you are sure to read again. For everyone else, donate it to Emmaus or another association. You can also try selling them at a used bookstore.

12. Journals &magazines

If you really need fashion, hair or other inspiration… go to Pinterest!

13. Old papers and documents

Sort it out and put the papers you no longer need in the recycling bin.

And for important papers? The little trick is to scan them and save them in digital format!

For the rest, read our guide on how long to keep your papers.

14. Old paint cans

30 Things To Throw Away To Gain Space Immediately.

You haven't repainted your walls for a few years? There is a good chance that the color of the paint has faded slightly over time.

Head to the recycling center to get rid of your old cans of paint, because their color no longer matches that of your walls.

15. Expired drugs

First, be aware that the drugs lose their effectiveness once the expiration date has passed. Better to bring them back to the pharmacy.

Indeed, be aware that in France, all pharmacies are under the obligation to collect unused medicines.

16. Old power cables

I'd bet somewhere in your house there's a box full of cables and electrical cords for appliances you no longer use.

Sort it out and keep only those that match the devices you use today.

And get rid of any that you have duplicates or don't use.

To discover: The Decorative Tip to Properly Hide Your Electric Cables.

17. Greeting cards

Sometimes greeting cards are very sentimental. But as a general rule, they are not intended to be kept for a lifetime, nor to be hung on the wall.

In reality, it is simply a short-lived message from a loved one for a special occasion.

Believe me, getting rid of your greeting cards doesn't mean you're rejecting the affection you're being shown!

18. Outdated makeup

Throw away makeup that you never use or that has expired.

You don't know how long to keep old make-up products? Easy ! Check out the guide here.

And to keep my makeup neat and tidy, I use this makeup organizer. He's awesome!

19. Unused hangers

Are you starting to have a nice collection of unused hangers in your closet? They take up way too much space, so better get rid of them.

Keep only the best hangers to hang your clothes and get rid of those that are not used.

Metal hangers, I'm watching you!

To discover: How to Hang a Sweater on a Hanger WITHOUT Damaging it.

20. Unfinished projects

Ah, the famous little projects "in progress"... For example, this piece of fabric that takes up an entire drawer, but that you will one day use to reupholster an armchair.

Or this old pedestal table found at a flea market and that you wanted to strip... 2 years ago :-)

If you really care about your DIY and decorating projects, set a date during the current week to finish them - and if not, it's time to say goodbye!

21. Perfumes you never wear

One of your relatives gave you a perfume:the problem is that you don't like it any more than that and you never put it on! Since then, this new and never used perfume has been squatting on your dressing table...

Instead of wasting perfumes you never wear, get rid of them or give them to someone who really wants them.

22. The jewelry you never put on

Do you keep broken or outdated jewelry? If you no longer wear a piece of jewelry, it means it's time to part with it!

With a bit of luck, you can sell it in a shop that specializes in buying old jewelry.

And for the rest of your jewelry, keep it neatly stored in a beautiful jewelry box, like this one.

23. Expired foods

Just because a food has passed its use-by date doesn't mean it's expired.

The proof, click here to discover the 18 foods that you can eat even if they are supposedly "expired".

On the other hand, common sense is in order! For example, if you have food in your fridge or cupboard that is starting to smell or rot, that's a sign it's time to throw it out.

To keep food organized in my cupboards (and thus avoid waste), I use these revolving shelves.

24. Objects of sentimental value

30 Things To Throw Away To Gain Space Immediately.

I admit, it's my weak point! Like many people, I find it very difficult to separate myself from objects of sentimental value...

My solution? I store my sentimental items in a nice shoebox.

For example, my first concert ticket or souvenirs from vacations abroad. Thus, the rule is very simple:if the object does not fit in the box, I have to get rid of it!

25. Old notebooks

Do you keep your old notebooks and notebooks full of notes from your classes or meetings?

If you don't check them out, it's high time to put them in the recycling bin.

To discover: Do You Take A Lot Of Notes? Use This Trick To Keep Your Notebook Well Organized.

26. Unused electronic devices

Do you keep all your old cell phones, your old household appliances or other electronic devices with outdated technology?

If you no longer use them, it's better to sell your old devices on and earn some money, right? Find out how here.

The easiest way is to bring your old electronic and electrical devices to a collection point near you by clicking here.

27. The tote drawer

30 Things To Throw Away To Gain Space Immediately.

Ah... the famous "brothel drawer" :-) I had warned him:his time has come!

We all have a tote drawer, in which we keep trinkets that "may serve some day". For example, shirt buttons, old batteries, rubber bands...

But in reality, these drawers are never open. And the trinkets inside end up gathering more and more dust.

So take 10 quick seconds to take a look in your tote drawer and definitely throw away the unused items.

To discover: Finally a Simple Tip to Organize the Interior of Your Drawers.

28. End-of-career bras &underwear

You know exactly which it is.

So, no excuses:say goodbye to your old, worn-out underwear.

29. Shoes that are worn out or that you no longer wear

If the shoes are slightly worn, you can donate them to an association like Emmaüs.

Otherwise, you can also try selling them on a site like

To discover: 21 Super Tricks To Make Your Shoes More COMFORTABLE.

30. Old wallets, belts, etc.

Even though we don't use them anymore, we all tend to keep our old wallets, belts or other accessories.

Instead of letting them take up space in your drawers, give them a second life by donating them to an association!

Your turn…

What do you think of my list of 30 items you can get rid of without ever regretting them? Maybe I forgot some? Tell me everything in the comments. I can't wait to read you!