An oven with a dirty grill, no one wants it!
Charred food, dripping sauce residue, cooked fat, crumbs...
What a hassle to clean this, especially if we haven't done it regularly!
Obviously, the first idea is to throw on Decap'four to clean the clogged oven rack.
Yet it is neither natural nor cheap...
Fortunately, there is a very simple trick to clean even very dirty oven racks effortlessly.
Just use baking soda and white vinegar . Watch:
- baking soda
- white vinegar in a spray bottle
- scraper sponge
- hot water
1. Remove the rack from the oven and place it in your shower or tub.
2. Spray the grill generously with white vinegar.
3. Sprinkle the grill with baking soda.
4. Cover everything with hot water.
5. Leave to act for about 10 minutes.
6. With the scraper sponge, rub the grid to remove all the scorched residue.
7. Rinse and dry.
8. Put the rack back in the oven.
And There you go ! Your oven rack is now spotless :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
And all this without dangerous products or chemicals!
Thus, there is no risk of acrid and harmful fumes when the oven is going to work and "heat" the cleaning product.
And I'm not even talking about saving time! Because with this trick, you don't have to scrub like crazy for hours!
With an impeccable grill, all you have to do is degrease the oven with this trick.
White vinegar degreases the grill easily.
Baking soda, with the action of white vinegar, removes burnt and stuck-on residue. And all this effortlessly.
Only the baking soda with its grainy appearance will "scrape" all the food stuck on the grid.