Rats or mice breed quickly and settle quickly. .
...sometimes very discreetly, in homes.
They wouldn't bother anyone per se, if they weren't coming to steal food, punch holes in walls, or carry disease!
To scare them away or if you want a more radical method, to kill them, is therefore almost a necessity when you start to have them.
Here are our top 3 tips on the subject.
It works both with mice and rats who all use their sense of smell to find their way around and know if they are safe or not.
A little well-placed mint , and if possible overwritten, will therefore be a first solution to your problems. Rodents will smell it when they arrive (try to put some near cupboards as well) and will be disgusted by its smell.
Less easy to find on the market, but sometimes much more effective than mint (it all depends on the rodents and their "habits"):angelica for rats and eucalyptus for mice . Radical to make them leave!
For angelica , unless you have some by chance in your garden, you will have to buy some and put branches everywhere . Detailed instructions in this tip.
Regarding eucalyptus , it is sometimes present in beauty products, essences or other daily products:you can try with these, rather than buying them. The detailed instructions, it's here, with the added bonus of other ways to repel them (such as cat litter ).
Given how harmful and dangerous they can be, you may want to apply a drastic solution.
To do this and without spending a fortune, simply use Coca-Cola . Rats love it and drinking it will kill them little by little. There are sometimes, unfortunately, no other solutions to keep them away permanently.
Is this the only possible solution? So, the explanations are there.
You have all the assets in hand, and you will not have exploded your monthly budget.
Thanks to these grandmother's recipes, you are now naturally rid of these pests:rats but also mice and field mice!