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Flowering plants to adopt in your garden

Flowering plants to adopt in your garden

For a look that is both natural and beautiful, we do not adopt just any flowering plant in our garden. Although the aesthetics are appreciated, it is also necessary to opt for plants called "good companions".

Beneficial and beautiful, these flowers will give an appreciable rendering in your little corner of greenery. And here are some selections not to be missed.

Flowering plants to adopt in your garden

Useful plants

Useful plants are often said to be beneficial. These plants help in the garden and provide a sweet and fragrant note for homeowners:

  • The marigold: With its brightly colored flowers and an appreciable presence, the marigold finds its place perfectly in the garden. This plant gives off an odor that scares away some parasites. They thus protect the neighboring flowers. Near the vegetable garden, especially the tomato, marigold occupies an important role. Indeed, it emits root substances trapping tomato nematodes. And don't panic, the marigold is completely harmless to pets. With, you will find some unstoppable tips for repotting it if you want to place it in a pot.
  • Phlomis: this plant offers a pretty flowering in summer. With its downy leaves, it has a round and original appearance. This plant repels weeds and acts as a sort of barrier. Indeed, its decomposed leaves play the role of an anti-germ. It adapts very well to the presence of shrubs and perennials.
  • Irish Eyes Sunflower: less imposing than the famous sunflower seen in all the advertisements, this variety is dwarf and compact. The flowers are yellow with green edges. These plants attract pollinators and thus promote pollination in your gardens. And in autumn, its seeds are very popular with birds.
  • The cistus: Unlike other plants, cistus requires poor, dry soil. When mature, it forms a more or less imposing bush that can protect the other flowers. The flowers are white with a golden heart.
  • The Seal of Solomon: this flowering plant is distinguished by its flower stalks and its imposing size. With such richness, pollinators are easily attracted to the plant. The plant also supports the most extreme climatic conditions.

Resistant plants

Flowering plants to adopt in your garden

If you don't have a green thumb but like pretty plants in your garden, we recommend these few hardy plants:

  • The Bergenia: colorful, new varieties of this species are very popular with amateur gardeners. The advantage with this plant is that it flowers in all soils and tolerates all exposures. Thanks to its rhizomes, the productions are intense and the plant can easily cover the whole garden.
  • The Stachys Byzantina: if you want a little sweetness in your garden, we recommend this plant. It is appreciated especially with its fluffy leaves. However, the plant is not fragile and resists both cold and drought. The drier the weather, the more silvery-white the plant will be;
  • Sedges: these plants do not require any maintenance. They are indestructible and very resistant to temperature variations. With a wide range of colors, this plant easily finds its place in your garden. A good location will allow it to embellish the rest of your green space.
  • Switchgrass: this plant gives an appreciable spectacle in the spring. It stands out through its red-purple hues. Both flexible and durable, it easily finds its place in any soil after a few days of adaptation