Your Senseo, Tassimo or Nespresso coffee machine needs to be descaled ?
Indeed, it is important to remove limescale from the machine regularly to maintain quality coffee.
But don't be fooled. No need to buy special descaling tablets sold for 10 € like these.
All you need is white vinegar at €0.45 per litre:
1. Fill the tank* of the machine halfway with white vinegar.
2. Put a cup and start the machine as if you were making a coffee, but without putting a pod.
Your machine will then make a cup of hot white vinegar.
3. Empty the cup into the sink. Then, repeat this operation as many times as necessary to empty the entire tank.
Gradually, the white vinegar will remove all the limestone from the machine.
4. Once the tank is empty, fill it completely, but this time with water.
5. Again, start the machine as many times as necessary to empty the tank.
This last step removes all the white vinegar residue.
There you go, your Senseo, Tassimo Bosch, Krups or Nespresso machine is well descaled. Now you can start drinking good coffee again :-)
Simple, effective and economical descaling with white vinegar!
You now know how to descale a Nespresso without a tablet, and you've saved €10 in the process.
Convenient for descaling and cleaning your coffee machine without the t-disc!
*Warning: some readers tell us that the white vinegar has damaged their coffee machine. To be sure this trick works with your machine, first do a test with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar diluted in water instead of filling half the tank directly with white vinegar.
If you don't want to use white vinegar to descale your pod coffee maker, here's the trick here.