Is your pod coffee maker completely scaled up?
It's probably from the limestone in your water.
Scale deposits in the mechanism and risks damaging it.
Not to mention the fact that the coffee you drink loses quality...
Fortunately, there is a quick and easy trick to descale your coffee maker without chemicals or white vinegar.
The trick is to use citric acid . Look, it's quite simple:
1. Dilute two tablespoons of citric acid in a liter of cold water.
2. Pour the mixture into the water tank of the machine.
3. Start the coffee maker without putting a pod.
4. Wait until all the mixture flows into a container placed at the place of the cup.
5. Then put clean water in the tank.
6. Rotate the machine so that the water flows.
7. Repeat rinsing with clean water again.
And There you go ! Your pod coffee maker is now completely descaled without having used white vinegar :-)
No more bad coffee because of the pie in the machine! The good taste of coffee is yours every morning.
Easy, fast and economical, right? It's still better than having to buy a coffee maker!
Plus, you don't even need to buy a chemical anti-limestone like this.
This trick works for all coffee machines , including Senseo, Tassimo and Nespresso coffee makers.
And if you want to clean and shine your coffee machine, use this trick here.
- Remember to wear gloves and goggles when handling citric acid.
- Know that you can mix citric acid in cold or lukewarm water. If you mix it with hot water, consider reducing the amount of citric acid. Why ? Because the mixture will be even more caustic!
- Never use citric acid on enamel, aluminum or marble as it may damage it. Therefore, if your coffee maker is placed on one of these surfaces, move it before starting the wash.
- Of course, this does not mean that white vinegar should not be used to clean your machine. It's just an alternative for those who don't want to use it.