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How to make shelves for your garage?

You have a lot of space in your garage and you want to optimize this space by transforming it into a storage area? To help you, I offer you this tutorial that I designed according to my personal experience and some advice found on the net. I had some rickety old shelves in my garage and I actually redid them all. The watchword is simplicity and speed.

Note that some specialized blogs like Bricoleur Pro provide you with lots of information and advice. DIY is easy with Bricoleur Pro.

Quickly create your shelves

Stroke of luck ! The trade greatly facilitates the life of DIY enthusiasts by providing them with many tools and materials ready to use. As part of the creation of your shelves, the easiest way is to buy racks (between three or seven depending on the size of your garage and the length of the desired storage surface), brackets and finally consoles or boards of wood.

First step: to locate yourself, draw a horizontal line on the wall. There's no need to start at floor level since your shelving won't go that far. Opt for example for forty centimeters from the ground. It is important to choose your ankles carefully. I advise you to opt for the standard dowels which are used on all the materials of your wall. Otherwise, I also like to use the universal dowels with collar but beware, these are not always suitable for aerated concrete.

Align the rack well with the horizontal line you have drawn and then move on to attaching the dowel. Using a spirit level, straighten the rack so that it is properly aligned. Place a dowel on top of it, making a hole to hold it in the correct position. Then drill and fasten all the holes and do this for all the racks.

Finishing the job

The next step is to install the brackets. It's child's play. But be careful, make sure that each bracket on each line is parallel and perfectly positioned to prevent your shelves from leaning. The spacing between the brackets of the same vertical line must be sufficient so that you can place objects with a significant height.

The last step is to install the shelving boards. It is possible to conceal the presence of this storage area by installing a sliding door in the garage. The latter has the advantage of not taking up a lot of space and offers more aesthetics to the premises.

To find other advice on creating your sliding door, do your research on the web.