Think all weeds should be pulled?
Not so fast!
Some of these "bad" weeds aren't that bad.
Because these herbs, which are also called "weeds", have much more benefits than it seems.
It is therefore important to keep them and learn how to use them to enjoy their benefits.
So no need to waste time and energy pulling them out!
Here are 10 species of weeds that you can treasure in the garden or vegetable patch . Watch:
Everyone knows this pretty plant that blooms yellow in summer.
When you know that it is melliferous and that all the pollinating insects love it, it would be a shame to pull it out!
In addition, everything is consumed in the dandelion:the stem, the leaves and the flowers.
Here, for example, is an excellent recipe for honey with dandelions.
It is the number one enemy of gardeners and children.
Why ? Obviously because of its bites and the itching it causes!
However, the nettle can become your best friend.
First, by making the famous nettle manure for the vegetable garden, here is the easy recipe here.
Or by taking advantage of its benefits for the body, skin and hair.
Follow our natural recipes here.
It is also called milk thistle, it has beautiful blue-purple flowers.
Gardeners do not like it because of its prickles.
Still, thistle is really useful.
Of course, it can be made into pretty bouquets of dried flowers.
But, did you know that in herbal tea, it promotes digestion and purifies the liver?
I therefore advise you to leave it in the ground.
Why ? Because it is also a good way to repel slugs and snails.
Chicory is this pretty plant with light blue flowers that grows in our gardens.
It is also known because it is used as a substitute for coffee.
As it takes up space, we tend to tear it off.
However, this is a mistake, because it attracts pollinating insects and we all know how important this is.
In addition, consumed in herbal tea, it has depurative and draining properties. Perfect for those who want to lose weight!
The plantain or plantago, word for word:"the plant that acts".
We all have them in our gardens or lawns.
And it's a gold mine!
The sap soothes insect bites and itching by following this remedy here.
It can also be cooked, for example in a risotto.
Or make it into a soothing balm with a little beeswax and oil infused with dried plantain.
If you don't have time to prepare it, there is a ready-made plantain mother tincture.
Burdock is a tall plant with bluish flowers that looks a bit like thistle.
As it is invasive, we tend to want to get rid of it.
In addition, its flowers cling everywhere to clothing or animal hair.
Still, she's not as bad as she looks.
Similar to the artichoke, it stimulates the liver and kidneys.
In oil, it treats acne, psoriasis and prevents hair loss.
And did you know that its eye-catching flower inspired the creation of velcro?
This famous little lucky charm is well known to gardeners.
Because it is loaded with nitrogen and serves as green manure.
It is therefore an excellent alternative to chemical fertilizers.
In addition, it can be eaten in salads or cooked like spinach.
Finally, its flowers are so pretty that cutting them is a crime.
In addition, they attract pollinating insects.
Another "bad" weed that is misnamed.
So unloved, that it is also called "donkey's ear".
However, like clover, it serves as a green manure, as it is rich in phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.
And used as a poultice, it promotes the healing of small sores and relieves joint pain.
Because it is so invasive, purslane is often looked down upon by gardeners.
However, in addition to being decorative, it is eaten in salads.
You don't believe me?
Then take a look at our recipe here.
And then, applied directly to the skin, it hydrates, softens, soothes itching and accelerates healing.
Even if it is called "ivy", this ivy does not climb.
On the other hand, it can be quite invasive in a shady garden.
Don't get overwhelmed, and use ground ivy as a poultice to heal abscesses, acne pimples or eczema.
This plant is antiseptic and healing.
You can even put a few leaves to flavor a salad, because this ivy is edible.
In herbal tea, ground ivy calms coughs, asthma and bronchitis.
The recipe is very simple because you only need 50 g of dry leaves for 1 liter of hot water