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10 gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries in your garden.

10 gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries in your garden.

Want to grow beautiful blackberries in your garden? You are quite right !

There's nothing quite like delicious, juicy, freshly picked blackberries. Yum!

Very easy to grow, the mulberry does not require any particular maintenance.

Once its roots are well developed, watering is unnecessary!

Know that the mulberry is planted preferably in the fall , but also until spring outside of frost periods.

Here are the 10 gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries easily in your garden :

10 gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries in your garden.

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10 tips for growing beautiful blackberries

1. Plant the mulberry trees in a place with direct exposure to the sun (at least 10 hours a day).

2. To direct the stems of climbing varieties, prepare wires stretched over stakes before planting.

3. To plant several blackberries, line them up and space them 2 to 3 m apart. If you plant in isolation, provide stakes to direct the shoots.

4. Be careful to choose your location carefully, because the roots of the mulberry tree are fragile, brittle and do not like transplanting.

5. In the spring, quickly add fertilizer to the soil.

6. Water regularly during the first year of growth.

7. Be careful not to plant your mulberries in soil where peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, or strawberries are currently growing or have grown within the last 3 years.

8. The ideal soil pH should be between 5.6 and 6.2.

9. When the first fruits become ripe and very colorful, you can pick them every 3 to 6 days.

10. In winter, cut the stems of climbing varieties that have borne fruit. Then, cover with a thick layer of mulch the replacement shoots that will bear fruit the next season.

The 3 best varieties of blackberries

10 gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries in your garden.

Mulberry "Thornless Evergreen": a late variety, with long, thornless stems. Its black, firm and rounded fruits are medium in size and have a slightly tart flavor. Prized for its very high productivity.

10 gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries in your garden.

"Tayberry" mulberry: hybridization between blackberry and raspberry, robust and easy to grow. Produces large tasty fruits. Perfect for jams.

10 gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries in your garden.

Black Satin Mulberry: thornless variety. Produces large black fruits, sweet and fragrant. Ripe in August.

10 gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries in your garden.

Your turn…

Have you tried these gardening tips to grow beautiful blackberries? Let us know in the comments if it worked. We can't wait to read you!