Here I show you how to use white vinegar in the vegetable garden.
Oh yes ! More and more of us no longer want to use chemicals in the garden.
For decades, white vinegar has been used to clean the inside of our homes from top to bottom.
We forget that in the garden it is just as useful, if not even more so!
Against pests, for cleaning tools, repelling insects and weeding. Your dream garden is yours!
In the end, that's more than 17 incredible uses for a single product . It would be a shame to deprive yourself of it, wouldn't it? Watch:
One of the best-known uses of white vinegar in the garden is as a weed killer.
Just spray it on the plants you want to get rid of.
In a few days, they will be gone.
But be careful, don't use too much. White vinegar ends up acidifying the soil.
Here is my vinegar weed killer recipe:
- 4 liters of white vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of washing-up liquid
- 200 g of salt
To prepare this organic weed killer, simply combine all the ingredients in a bucket and stir.
Pour the mixture into a large sprayer and spray on the weeds.
Make multiple applications if weeds are tough.
To discover: 7 Powerful and Easy-to-Make Weed Killer Recipes.
If ants invade you, you can use white vinegar to repel them.
Fill a spray bottle with a solution of half water and half white vinegar.
To kill them, spray the solution directly on the ants.
Otherwise, spray on the usual passages of ants.
This is one of the best ways to keep ants away from around your home and garden.
If you just want to deter them, spray the solution on your paths, garden walls and on anthills to prevent them from entering your garden.
You can also spray the vinegar around your house to repel ants and flies and keep them out.
Some seeds, such as nasturtiums, okra, and other drought-tolerant flowers, can be difficult to germinate.
Give them a little boost by soaking them in a bowl of water with a few drops of white vinegar overnight.
This softens the shell of the seed so that it can germinate more easily.
The next day, plant the seeds as usual in your garden for faster results.
You'll be amazed at how such a simple trick works!
To discover: The Gardener's Trick To Germinate Seeds Much FASTER.
Fruit flies are among the most common pests in the vegetable garden.
These tiny pests can be a real nightmare for your plants and fruit trees.
One of the best ways to get rid of fruit flies is to trap them.
To do this, fill a jar with cider vinegar, a little white vinegar and dishwashing liquid.
The smell of apple cider vinegar attracts fruit flies to the jar.
As for the dishwashing liquid, it makes them flow into the pot, preventing them from coming out. Check out the trick here.
Terracotta and clay pots are among the most popular with gardeners for their durability and durability.
In addition, they help keep the earth cool even when it's hot in summer.
Unfortunately, terracotta pots have the annoying tendency to turn white due to salt and limescale in the water.
Those white halos aren't a pretty sight.
Fortunately, these jars can be cleaned quickly with vinegar, here's how:
- 250 ml vinegar
- 1 liter of hot water
Mix water and white vinegar in a small bucket.
Soak the jars in this solution for 30 min.
The limestone is dissolved and the pot regains its original color. Check out the trick here.
To easily remove rust from garden tools, spray or soak them in pure white vinegar.
It's one of the fastest and easiest ways to remove rust.
Leave the white vinegar on the tools for at least 15 minutes, then wipe them off.
Thanks to this process, your garden tools are like new.
To discover: 15 Simple and Effective Tricks to Remove Rust EASILY.
Having a garden always means having flowers that you can cut and put in a vase to decorate your home.
Unfortunately, once the stem is cut, the life of the flower is greatly reduced.
Without their roots to provide them with much-needed nutrients, the flowers begin to wilt after a few days.
To prolong the life of your bouquets, here is my recipe:
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
Fill your vase with water.
Add the vinegar and sugar to the vase and stir to combine.
Put the flowers in the vase, and change the solution every 2 days.
Your bouquet lasts several weeks instead of just a few days.
Some animals, as pretty as they are, do great damage in the garden.
This is the case with rabbits, rodents, weasels, dogs or cats...
To prevent these unwanted animals from destroying your plants or ransacking your flowerbeds, here is a simple and effective one.
Dip branches in white vinegar and place them around areas where you don't want them to pass.
Hydrangeas, rhododendrons and gardenias love acidic soil.
Mix 4 liters of water and 250 ml of white vinegar and water your plants with this from time to time.
For plants that don't like acidic soils, you can add a little white vinegar to soften hard water.
To discover: The Quick And Simple Trick To Measuring Soil pH (Revealed By A Gardener).
To clean garden furniture, especially plastic ones, there is a natural solution.
And you know how hard it is to keep it clean all season, so better go organic!
Simply clean them with a cloth soaked in white vinegar.
It removes the dull veil and disinfects the furniture in case of mold. Check out the trick here.
Slugs and snails are some of the best known and most damaging garden pests.
Just like ants or gnats, you can get rid of these parasites with white vinegar.
How? 'Or' What ? By spraying these gastropods directly with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water.
To discover: 13 Natural Tricks Against Slugs That Really Work.
Weeds are starting to grow between the slabs of your driveways?
You can use white vinegar to get rid of it.
It's a great weed killer for small areas like these or cracks in walls or sidewalks.
Simply spray pure white vinegar to get rid of unsightly weeds, then pull them out by hand.
To discover: The 3 Ingredient Weed Killer - Ideal For Paved Driveways!
If fungus and mold are invading your plants, white vinegar is a tried and tested solution.
White vinegar is effective in getting rid of mold both at home and in the garden.
It is an excellent fungicide that will protect your plants from these attacks.
Here's how:
- 2 teaspoons of white vinegar
- 250 ml chamomile tea
Infuse the chamomile in the water and add the white vinegar.
Pour the solution into a spray bottle.
Spray any plants in your garden that are affected by fungus.
This solution is perfect, because it is safe and 100% effective and organic.
In some vases, a kind of white line is formed, often caused by limestone.
Not very aesthetic nor good for the plants.
White vinegar is a fantastic natural glass cleaner.
Fill the vase with a solution of white vinegar and water (half/half).
Leave to act and rub if you can with a sponge or paper towel. Check out the trick here.
It is essential to keep the water in the animal water trough clean.
They can drink and bathe in it without absorbing bacteria.
To do this, wash the bins with white vinegar once a week.
It prevents the growth of algae and bacteria, and it eliminates bad water odours.
This trick also works for your small decorative fountains.
And it discourages snakes from drinking from it, because it hates the smell of vinegar.
When you pick blackberries or blueberries, it leaves pretty stains on your hands.
And these are very stubborn stains!
To remove stains, there is a simple and effective trick that does not damage your hands.
Simply rub your hands with white vinegar.
Immerse your fresh vegetables in 1 liter of water with 3 tablespoons of white vinegar.
It rids them of bacteria and the vegetables keep longer.
White vinegar being acetic acid. It goes without saying that if you put too much on the plants, they will wilt and die.
And even plants that love acidic soil will die if you spray them with pure white vinegar.
Take care when spraying a solution containing vinegar directly on the stems and leaves of your plants. Because it removes the protective layer of plants.
Also note that white vinegar is not selective when used as a weed killer.
It will kill anything it touches, even your favorite nearby plants.
Still, that's no reason to relegate vinegar to cooking and house cleaning.
Do not hesitate to use it also in the vegetable garden. Especially if you want an organic garden without pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
Given all the uses of white vinegar in the garden, I recommend that you buy it in bulk, at least in 5 or 10 liter cans.
It will be cheaper.