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If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

Everyone knows the different uses of vinegar in the kitchen and for the household .

But we often forget that it is a natural product that can also be used in the garden.

The advantage is that it is very economical (less than 50 cents per litre)...

...and also much less harmful than most commercial weedkillers or insecticides.

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

  • 1. Clean terracotta pots
  • 2. Weed the driveways
  • 3. Get rid of ants
  • 4. Repel garden animals
  • 5. Increase the life of cut flowers
  • 6. Eliminate weeds
  • 7. Get rid of harmful insects
  • 8. Trap fruit flies
  • 9. Acidify plant soil
  • 10. Clean rust from garden tools
  • 11. Clean birdhouses
  • 12. Protect plants from fungus
  • 13. Get rid of slugs

It can be used in just about every corner of the garden.

Here are 13 amazing uses for white vinegar that every gardener should know. Watch:

1. Clean terracotta pots

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

Terracotta pots have many advantages:they keep the soil cool without retaining water. And in addition, they have a very nice vintage look. However, the limestone from the irrigation water tends to deposit on the walls, which is not very nice. To give them a youthful look, use vinegar. Check out the trick here.

2. Weed the driveways

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

White vinegar is an excellent way to eliminate weeds that appear on the walls or paths of your garden. To kill them, just spray the spot with pure white vinegar or use it diluted like in this recipe.

3. Get rid of ants

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

Vinegar is very effective in getting rid of ants. To repel them, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the anthills in your garden. In the house, look where they enter and what is their usual route. Then, clean these places with a sponge soaked in white vinegar. The strong smell will repel them quickly and permanently.

4. Repel garden animals

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

The garden is often crossed by animals of all kinds:cats, dogs, but also rodents, moles or rabbits... We love to see them, but we don't like them destroying the vegetable patch. To prevent these unwanted visitors from ruining your vegetable garden or your flower beds, soak old clothes in white vinegar and place them on stakes all around the vegetable garden. It's a bit like the scarecrow trick, but with the added smell. These animals hate the smell of vinegar and won't come near you anymore. Re-soak the garments every week or so to maintain the effectiveness of this process. Check out the trick here.

5. Increase the life of cut flowers

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

You can use vinegar to prolong the life of cut flowers:add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar per liter of water. Check out the trick here.

6. Eliminate weeds

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

To get rid of weeds in your garden, use vinegar. Vinegar is super effective against these recalcitrant herbs. Spray it pure on the plants to be removed and repeat the operation approximately every 2-3 days. Sometimes all that remains is to pull the root with a good pair of gloves. Check out the trick here.

7. Get rid of harmful insects

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

Tired of seeing aphids and other pests on your plants? Here is the natural treatment against aphids. Here is the dosage to follow:in a spray, mix 3 parts water and one part white vinegar and add a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. Shake the bottle to mix well before using in the garden. Be careful not to force the vinegar too much, which could burn the leaves of your plants. Check out the trick here.

8. Trap fruit flies

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

Protect your fruit from fruit flies with a vinegar trap. For this, mix 250 ml of water, 125 ml of cider vinegar, 70 g of sugar and 1 tbsp. at s. of molasses in an empty container. Then, hang it on a fruit tree infested with fruit flies. They will be attracted and trapped and will no longer attack your fruit. Well ok, it's not white vinegar but this trick also works for house flies. Check out the trick here.

9. Acidify plant soil

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

Plants like rhododendrons, gardenias or azaleas love acid soils. So you can acidify the soil with a little vinegar. Although its effect is temporary, it reboosts the plants thanks to the acidity of the vinegar. So mix 250 ml of white vinegar in 4 liters of water before watering your plants to slightly acidify the soil.

10. Cleaning rust from garden tools

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

When rust sets in on garden tools, white vinegar is your ally. Simply spray or soak the tools in pure vinegar for a few minutes. Then rinse and clean the tool as usual. Check out the trick here.

11. Clean birdhouses

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

To disinfect the birdhouses, once a year, pass a sponge soaked in white vinegar and water inside. You can also clean the birdbaths in your garden with vinegar! This trick also works for the chicken coop. Check out the trick here.

12. Protect plants from fungus

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

White vinegar is known to be fungicidal. So you can cure plants infested with fungus and mold easily. The vinegar fungicide recipe is simple and easy. Add 2 tbsp. c. of vinegar in a chamomile tea, mix and spray on affected plants in your garden. It's safe and harmless to the environment.

13. Get rid of slugs

If You Use White Vinegar In The Garden, These 13 Miracles Will Happen.

This is one of the most popular uses among gardeners, but not the most enjoyable. Spray white vinegar directly on the slug or all around the vegetable garden to be protected to scare it away.