Feeling a bit down right now?
Many people are in the same situation because of the Covid...
But don't bother taking antidepressants like Prozac!
Scientists have discovered an incredible natural antidepressant. I named:the earth .
Researchers have shown that the bacteria present in the soil are good for our mental health.
Without addictions or side effects, immersing your hands in the earth gives a real feeling of comfort and happiness .
So, take off your gloves, and get your hands dirty! Watch:
1. Approach a plot of land or a simple planter.
2. Just stick your hands in the dirt.
3. Remove a nice clod of soil and knead it with your fingers.
4. Keep touching the earth for a few minutes.
5. Repeat at least once a week for it to be effective.
There you go, thanks to this little gardening, you feel less anxiety and stress :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
This natural remedy is as old as the world!
It works on physical ailments as well as mental and emotional ailments.
And for that, you don't need a 1,000 m2 plot!
A simple flower box will do.
Weeding with bare hands also has the same effect.
It clears your head and it feels good.
Scientists have recently discovered that soil microbes have a beneficial effect on human health
Mycobacterium vaccae has a similar effect on neurons as drugs like Prozac.
This bacterium is found in the soil and stimulates the production of serotonin.
Serotonin relaxes, de-stresses and makes you happier.
On the other hand, the lack of serotonin is linked to depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and bipolar problems.
This antidepressant bacterium is present in all types of soil.
Just bend down and play with the dirt to enjoy!
Most passionate gardeners will tell you that their garden is their "place of happiness"...
...that gardening significantly reduces stress and bad moods.
The fact that science confirms all of this adds credence to what was just a gardener's sensation.
The presence of an antidepressant in the earth comes as no surprise to many of us.
Because we have all experienced gardening and experienced real satisfaction.
Contact with the earth is therefore indeed a natural organic anti-stress.
These anti-depression bacteria found in soil are also being studied to improve cognitive functions, cure Crohn's disease and even rheumatoid arthritis.
How the earth can really make us happy and change our lives.
These same bacteria cause an increase in cytokine levels, leading to the production of more serotonin.
The bacterium was tested both by injection and by ingestion in rats.
The results showed an increase in cognitive ability, a decrease in stress and better concentration.
Gardeners inhale the bacteria, have physical contact with it, and introduce it into their bloodstream when cut.
These effects will be felt for up to 3 weeks according to the experiments carried out.
So, only one thing to do:go out, garden, touch the earth. Happiness is at your fingertips!