Today I explain to you why white vinegar is one of the best household products that exist.
Already, vinegar has been proven to kill 99% of bacteria, 82% of mold and 80% of viruses.
It is then an excellent antibacterial, cleanser, disinfectant, descaler, antiseptic... (the list is long).
Finally, I challenge you to find me such a cheap performing product!
Me in any case, I use it non-stop for my greatest happiness (and that of my wallet).
So, what to clean with white vinegar?
Discover the power of white vinegar through these 22 tips that will make your life easier. Watch:
To deodorize pipes and traps, pour white vinegar into them followed by a little hot water.
You can be sure that this little trick chases away all bad smells.
It's also the best way to maintain your kitchen and bathroom drains to prevent clogs.
Since I've been doing this, my pipes haven't been clogged for at least 5 years!
Whereas before they were clogged every four mornings. Check out the trick here.
And if your pipes are clogged, white vinegar is also very effective.
Apply this trick before calling a plumber!
Pour the equivalent of a glass of baking soda into your drain, then 1 glass of white vinegar.
A chemical reaction will then occur, but don't panic, it's completely normal.
Let it foam for a few minutes then run hot water for 4 to 5 minutes. Check out the trick here.
A healthy cutting board is important to avoid eating bacteria...
Especially when cutting meat or fish.
To clean it properly, dip a sponge in white vinegar and give it a good swipe.
For cutting boards full of grooves, soak them directly in a basin of vinegar.
Let it act for 5 to 10 minutes so that it is well disinfected.
You can also add a little baking soda to this mixture.
To help your dishwasher thoroughly clean a very dirty and very greasy dish, do this:
Just add a glass filled with white vinegar in it. This boosts the wash cycle.
It also works if you do the dishes by hand.
And speaking of dishwashers, did you know that white vinegar can also replace rinsing liquid?
Ah yes, last little thing.
If your dishwasher itself is starting to get very dirty, apply this dreaded white vinegar trick.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but a washing machine can be washed!
Just because it does our laundry doesn't mean it cleans itself!
So to clean it up and take good care of it, do an empty washing cycle with white vinegar.
This only has advantages.
No more bad smells and your laundry will be even cleaner than usual!
With repeated use, our coffee makers and kettles inevitably scale up.
To effectively remove limescale deposits, apply this trick:
Fill the tank with 1 glass of white vinegar and top up with water.
Run the coffee maker (without coffee of course) or the kettle as usual.
Once the vinegar scrub is done, perform 2 rinse cycles with only water.
Discover the trick here for coffee machines and here for kettles.
Warming up your little dishes in a dirty microwave, yuck what a horror!
To thoroughly clean the inside, put a bowl in the center filled with 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 water.
The trick, is to get the vinegar vapor to spread all over the interior.
To do this, start the microwave at full power for 4/5 min.
You just have to remove the bowl and pass a cloth over all the walls. Check out the trick here.
Clean your windows properly without leaving any traces, not so simple...
Unless you have white vinegar on hand!
Prepare a solution of 1 part white vinegar to 5 parts water.
Apply this solution with a sponge and wipe with a simple microfiber cloth. Check out the trick here.
To properly degrease most kitchen surfaces, you don't need to buy chemical cleaning products.
Pour white vinegar on a cloth and wipe your fridge, countertop, splashback...
...but also on the hob and the dining table. Check out the trick here.
Has your pet unintentionally let loose on your carpet or rug?
No problem, we have the solution to eliminate stains and the odors that go with them.
In a container, mix 1 part water to 1 part white vinegar.
2 solutions are then available to you.
For small incidents, pat the stained area just with a cloth soaked in the solution.
For larger stains, sprinkle more baking soda and leave to act for at least 2 hours.
Finally vacuum and everything is back to normal. Check out the trick here.
If I told you that I have a solution to both shine and descale the taps?
I imagine you're interested in getting to know her?
Well you just have to wet a sheet of Sopalin in white vinegar and put it around the tap.
Not only will this thoroughly clean the faucet, but it will also remove all the limescale. Check out the trick here.
Your lino is tarnished and needs a good cleaning?
White vinegar helps you perfectly in this task.
In a bucket of hot water, pour 1 cup of white vinegar mixed with 1 capful of linseed oil.
Mop the floor with this solution and your floor will be radiant again.
Nothing better than a scouring cream to clean everything at home!
To make your own, here is a very simple and 100% natural recipe:
Simply mix 2 tablespoons of white vinegar with 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
This mix is super easy to make, super effective and inexpensive.
Do you usually disinfect the toilet bowl with WC Duck or other chemicals?
Well stop right away and use the natural disinfectant par excellence:white vinegar.
In a spray bottle, pour 30 cl of white vinegar with 60 cl of water.
If you want, you can add essential oils of your choice to this composition.
Spray this solution directly into the bowl, wait 20 to 25 minutes then clean with the brush. Check out the trick here.
Walls and joints do not usually stay completely white in a bathroom for very long.
In constant contact with water, joints and walls blacken over time.
To clean them, soak a sponge in a mixture of water and white vinegar.
Pass the sponge on all surfaces to both clean, but also prevent the arrival of mold. Check out the trick here.
Nothing more annoying than seeing your shower head scaled up.
The water no longer flows as it should and the jets go all over the place...
To avoid this, fully immerse the shower head in a container or bag filled with white vinegar.
Leave to act overnight (or at least 6 hours) to find a shower like new. Check out the trick here.
You can give a second life to all your rusty objects!
Whether it's your garden or DIY tools, white vinegar has a magic power on rust.
Just soak them in white vinegar.
It's as simple as that.
When handling glue, a few residues are often left on the surfaces.
And I'm not even talking about the residue left by the stickers once removed.
To remove traces of glue, pour white vinegar on it then wipe with a cloth. Check out the trick here.
White vinegar makes leather shine, whether it's your handbag, shoes, sofa...
Take a cloth, wet it with white vinegar and then wipe it over the entire leather surface.
Take another dry cloth and wipe.
If like me, you're "a bit too much" clumsy, you have to constantly stain yourself with anything.
Jam, sauces, fruit, coffee, grass, mustard... I am a real disaster.
Fortunately, all you have to do is put a little white vinegar on the stain before washing to remove it effectively. Check out the trick here.
To keep your spectacle lenses always clean, simply clean them with white vinegar.
Put a drop of vinegar on it then rub with a cotton ball.
Vinegar is a great degreaser and your glasses regain all their transparency. Check out the trick here.
To restore all the splendor to your chrome, use white vinegar.
Wet a cloth with a little white vinegar then clean the chrome with it.
And combine with baking soda is even better.