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Cheap Watering Can:Make it Easily in 2 min For 0 €.

Cheap Watering Can:Make it Easily in 2 min For 0 €.

Looking for a cheap watering can for your plants?

Why not try making one yourself for $0?

No need to be a handyman and it only takes 2 minutes flat.

All you need is an old plastic bottle...

...and a needle to make the holes in the cork. Watch:

Cheap Watering Can:Make it Easily in 2 min For 0 €.

  • How to
  • Result

How to

1. Take an empty milk or juice bottle.

2. Poke holes in the cork with a needle.


There you go, your little watering can is ready for your beautiful plants :-)

All you have to do is fill it with water to water your plants.

Easy, quick and economical, right?