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How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

Step 1

Evaluate the project

Go out to the backyard at sunset. Imagine sitting by a well-kept fire in the cool of the night. Look for a 16' to 20' diameter circle that can accommodate the ring of fire area. It should be level and away from bushes, shrubs, and overhanging branches. Is the area in mind easily accessible and far enough away from backyard traffic, playgrounds, or entertainment centers? Other considerations to keep in mind may include a location out of sight of neighbors or roads. Also, where will the firewood be stacked? Is a water hose accessible to the site?

Step 2

Buy materials

If space in the driveway is limited, order 3/8” crusher runs (gray stone) from a sand and gravel company and make a space in the driveway for the drop off site. A gravel base cover can be between 2” and 4” thick. A wheelbarrow will come in handy when hauling gravel from the driveway to the backyard. How much gray stone crusher needs to be delivered? A full crusher load is around 18 tons (give or take). That load size would put a 4” Cover over about 500 square feet.

Pay a visit to one or more landscape supply centers to purchase landscape stones. Larger stones (16” to 20”) are used in the ring of fire and smaller stones (8” to 12”) are used around the perimeter. The size of the ring of fire and the circumference of the perimeter will determine the amount of stone needed. Many supply centers will deliver the stones for a fee. Make space available for delivery. The stones are often delivered on a pallet, wrapped in plastic. A wheelbarrow is also needed to transport the stones.

Mortar cement and sandbags can be picked up at your local hardware or home improvement center. Silica sand produces a bright white sand appearance. If a light brown sand is preferred, try playground sand, which is less expensive.

Step 3

Lay the top layer of gravel

Place a large screwdriver or grade stake in the center of the proposed ring of fire site. Attach a nylon string to the screwdriver. Using the tape, measure the desired radius from the center to the outside perimeter of the fire area. Stretch the rope to the desired length and use it to walk around the center point, continually stretching the rope and marking the outer ring. Use this mark as a reference for unloading the many loads of gravel within the circle.

Continuously rake and dump gravel until entire circle is covered with approximately 2" to 3" of crusher stroke. Rake smooth, level gravel.

Pro Tip

It helps to have a DIY assistant. Family members and neighbors will likely share in the enjoyment of the outdoor fire ring, so ask if they'd mind raking or throwing gravel.

Stage 4

How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

Frank Murray

How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

Frank Murray

How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

Frank Murray

How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

Frank Murray

How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

Frank Murray

Build the inner stone ring of fire

With the screwdriver or wooden stake still in the center, measure a smaller radius from the center. Pull the rope this far and create a small trench, which will outline the stone circle of the inner ring of fire.

Mix a small amount of cement-sand mortar, following the directions on the bag. Fill the bottom of the circular trench with the cement mortar and place the largest stones in the mix. Continue filling the trench with mortar and stones. Pull the 3' radius string to confirm the distance from the center. Place smaller stones between the larger stones to fill in the gaps in the ring of fire.

Step 5

How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

Frank Murray

Fill the inner stone fire ring with sand

Using silica sandbags or sand-filled wheelbarrows at the playground, carefully fill the inner ring with the sand of your choice to approximately 4” deep. Take care not to disrupt large stones, which are cured in the cement mix.

Step 6

Build the outer perimeter stone ring

Cut out a circle for the outer perimeter ring and fill it with stones set in mortar. This time, however, the stones are smaller in size (8” to 12”).

Step 7

How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

Frank Murray

Fill the perimeter ring with sand

Fill the perimeter ring with approximately 4” of sand. Again, be careful not to break the stone setting in the mortar. Use a rake to level the surface and a hand trowel to work outside edges and force sand into rock crevices.

Step 8

How to create a pit area in Fieldstone and Sand Fire

End the ring of fire

The hardwood mulch surrounding the outer circle of rock will cover the excess crush and run down and create a dark border around the fire area. Beach chairs are also a great favorite when sitting by a fire.