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3 ways to find recycled objects for your decoration

I have been hearing about recycled decoration for months and weeks. People around me swear by this concept. So it's impossible for me not to do it myself. Now all that remains is to find the objects and decorative items.

Flea markets

Since always, when I have the time, I really like to hunt around and go around the flea markets in my neighborhood. I go there mainly to satisfy my passion for old wooden furniture, a passion inherited from my grandmother. Growing up, I went with her on every one of her "bargain" tours as she called it. This is why over the years, I have become a real connoisseur and that without realizing it. The proof, it even happened that I was asked for advice.

My great sadness is that my grandmother is no longer there to take advantage of sites like which informs you in good time of the next flea markets or garage sales to come. Obviously, in his time, it was very difficult to find out about the dates and places of these events. I think we would have had some great rides. For me, these events are ideal for unearthing authentic and rare items.

Garden sales

Otherwise, my second places of purchase are garage sales. If you have a small budget and your objective is, above all, to make good deals, these are particularly interesting. Nothing like individuals who want to get rid of items and objects that clutter their homes at all costs.

For example, I acquired at an unbeatable price an incredible tripod dining table during the garage sale of the neighboring town. The seller was so happy that I got rid of this piece of furniture that he accepted without negotiating the price that I advanced. And it was really fucked up. But you still have to participate in one of these events, because there are many garage sales. However, it is also quite possible to get information online or to subscribe to sites that specialize in this theme.

Flea markets

As a third alternative, there are flea markets. To tell you the truth, I do not master this mode of purchase. In my life, I had to go there only two or three times. In addition, the last time I set foot there, I was not in great shape. I quickly gave up when I didn't even make a quarter of the sellers on my list.

On the other hand, one of my work colleagues is a real connoisseur. She promised to invite me the next time she goes shopping at a flea market. We plan to go to Saint-Ouen, in the south of the capital. I have recently been interested in Chinese porcelain and I have been assured that I will find my happiness there. Here, you have to know the value of things well, otherwise you simply risk being fooled. Negotiation is of course required, even mandatory.