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Styling tips for decorating your closet:less is more!

Do you often enjoy looking at how someone else furnishes their home? What kind of decoration they have on the cupboard for example and what they have hanging on the wall. Or how they decorated that nice wooden bench and provided the table with beautiful accessories? But are you unable to get your interior completely to your liking? Then read on because with these styling tips you can go a long way with your interior. And do you have any questions? Reassure them!

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Styling tips:from decorating on the closet to decorating that little corner

It's one of my favorite things to do, looking inside other people. Whether that's live, through a magazine, on TV or through Pinterest, it doesn't matter to me. I can completely fill myself with inspiration about interior and styling tips for the home. Yet for a long time I struggled with channeling my own taste. I like a lot of different styles. I like white with boho atmosphere, but also industrial. I'm also not averse to a bit rural (not too) and I also think Scandinavian style is completely zen.

And that makes styling and decorating in your interior difficult. Of course you can mix different styles with each other, but they don't say 'less is more' for nothing and that also applies to decoration on your closet and what you hang on the walls.

1. Work with differences in height when decorating the cabinet

Do you like beautiful wooden sideboards , or do you, like me, have a large closet with open compartments in it? Then make sure that you work with height differences with your decoration on the cabinet. By items with different heights you keep it interesting and varied to look at. If you don't have different heights, you can of course also use a standard to place something on. Or a stack of books that you put something on.

2. Start with a statement piece

Do you find it difficult to start with your decoration? In any case, think about which eye catcher you would really like to put on the cupboard. And work from there. For example, choose a statement piece with a very striking color , or go for a large mirror , jar, lamp or basket that you want to put down anyway. If you have these, it will be easier to think about how you are going to style the rest of the cabinet with your decoration.

3. Less is more

As said; less is more † Don't think it will improve your closet if you place a lot of decoration. It often just looks messy and your decoration doesn't get the right attention because there are too many distractions. It is better to have fewer items on your cupboard or dresser and to change them once in a month than to try to display everything at once. Does your closet or dresser not quite have the look you would like? Make sure you pimp the closet first before filling it up completely.

4. Group the decoration in your closet or on your sideboard

Also an important tip:group † Don't put everything down to fill the entire cupboard, but make sure you group your decoration. In this way you create more unity. If you want to store a lot of small things on your sideboard, place them together on a tray or in a nice large bowl. This way you have all your items, but you make it a unit by connecting them together.

5. Work with different materials

By combining different materials and structures, you provide variety, making your decoration on the cabinet worth looking at. You should also take this into account when furnishing a small corner or a wooden bench. A wooden bench on which you then only place wooden items will not give the desired effect. It is better to combine it with, for example, steel and concrete, or fabric.

6. Don't forget your plants as decoration on the cupboard

Whether you choose plants that require little water or flowers or dried flowers… green is part of styling and decorating your sideboard or closet. You ensure that the rest of your decoration also comes to life.

7. Combine a photo with some smaller decoration

In addition to the differences in height and different materials, also provide variety in items. For example, place a beautiful vase next to a photo frame, or place two photo frames next to each other, but of different heights. Or make a complete photo wall behind your sideboard, which is also nice. In fact, that is your statement piece.

8. Stick to one or two different styles

Are you, like me, a fan of different styles in your interior? Then make sure that you only combine a maximum of two styles with the decoration in your interior and on your closet. Otherwise it will be too colorful on your closet.

9. Don't forget your personal touch

If it looks like your cabinet is just rolling out of a showroom, then you have missed the mark with your decoration. Of course we all like what we see in the showrooms. But don't forget that this is your house and you should feel at home there. This means that there may also be personal things that make it just a little less sterile and perfect. This will make it your home!

10. Books on your sideboard or in your cupboard in combination with your decoration? Sort!

In addition to the decoration on or in your cupboard, do you also have a large number of books that you want to get rid of? Then see if you can sort those books by color for peace of mind. If everything is mixed up, then the attention is drawn very much to the books, instead of to your decoration and it quickly becomes a mess.

11. Read and browse interior books and magazines

If you're looking for more inspiration than just the tips above, it's a good idea to flip through some magazines. Grab a tasty cappuccino or a delicious mug of tea and dive into the corner of your couch with, for example, a VTwonen, a Stijvol Wonen or an Eigen Huis &Interieur magazine.

If you don't get bored, a subscription is of course also a good idea. And you can make beautiful mood boards from the old songs! Would you rather pick up a book than a magazine? Then fellow blogger Mirjam has a nice article about books for interior enthusiasts!