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Everything you want to know about IPN beams

A few months ago, you would have asked me questions about IPNs, I was unable to answer you. But, big jobs at home oblige, I have now become a connoisseur. Read this post and these beams will have no more secrets for you.

What exactly is an IPN?

Your floors urgently need to be reinforced and you want to estimate the work very quickly? You will therefore need to put IPNs. Determining the budget for an IPN beam will depend on several criteria. But before discussing this subject in depth, I will first dwell a little on this construction tool. Indeed, many people still do not know what it is. Often opposed to the IPE in both shape and weight, the IPN or normal profile I-beam, also called INP, is a standardized profile in the shape of an I.

As a result, these steel or iron beams can both serve as horizontal and vertical support elements. And many can be the uses of IPN starting with the reinforcement of walls or floors, the installation of new bay windows, the creation of a partition... At home, we needed it when we knocked down a partition and created an opening in a wall. And if this beam is a widely used material, it is because the IPN has the particularity of exceptionally supporting heavy loads.

Its resistance is simply equal to a load-bearing wall. Moreover, to ensure their robustness, only take models with NF EN 10024. This model of beam is easily recognized thanks to its inclined parallel wings. As for me, I really like its modern and contemporary side. A little advice. If you fall for the industrial style, leave your IPNs in plain sight in your living room or in your kitchen. Guaranteed effect!

A short guide to the IPN

Insofar as there are different thicknesses and lengths in terms of IPN, it is necessary to take the time to clearly define its actual use before choosing the appropriate model. That's the mistake I made. When I was told that the layout of the new passage between my living room and my dining room needed it, I went to a distributor to get an idea of ​​the price of this material.

I was then asked for the characteristics of the beam and I was unable to inform the seller. Among the criteria that are taken into account in the calculation of its dimensions, there is obviously the weight to be supported. This is why it is strongly recommended to entrust this responsibility to a professional. Here the approximate is not allowed. The danger is that in case of bad beam, there is a big risk of collapse. I particularly insist on this.

Thereafter, you will easily know the price. However, do not forget to include in your estimates the remuneration of the service provider who will take care of the installation of your beams. Otherwise, for your information, know that the IPN beams are sold by the meter. Their prices will vary depending on their weight, material, length and thickness.