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Oil boiler maintenance

Like other heating systems, the oil model also requires regular maintenance to ensure its proper functioning. I really advise you to entrust this work to a professional.

An annual maintenance is essential

At the time of replacing my old heating system with an oil-fired boiler, I was informed that one maintenance per year was compulsory so that the device remains efficient and above all, so that the insurance covers a possible loss due to its dysfunction. In addition, this annual check-up is also an opportunity to check that the boiler does not present a danger for the inhabitants of the building, since among the domestic accidents most encountered with this type of heating, we can mention carbon monoxide poisoning. .

No owner can therefore escape it since it has been imposed by law since June 12, 2009. The same applies to tenants of an apartment or a house, unless a clause in the rental lease does not mention otherwise. Otherwise, in the case of co-ownership, it is generally the Syndic of co-owners who is responsible for this task. More specifically, maintenance should be scheduled from the first year of use of the boiler, even if the equipment was purchased new. And still according to the legislation in force, this responsibility must be entrusted to qualified professionals.

A certificate must also be submitted by the technician once the checks have been completed. Being subject to control, this document will then have to be kept for a period of two years. As far as I'm concerned, I'm quiet on that side since it's the company in charge of the delivery of domestic fuel oil that is also responsible for the maintenance of my boiler. In this, I am particularly satisfied with the services offered by Qualifioul.

What does the maintenance of an oil boiler consist of?

In accordance with the NF X50-010 standard, many elements will have to be checked by the professional during the maintenance of a domestic oil boiler. Unfortunately, some of the service providers are not very rigorous in controlling these essential points. This is why I have remained faithful to the same company and have been for years.

However, I will still try to list here the operations that should be performed by these controllers. The first thing the professional does is clean the mechanism and all of the component parts of the device. These are generally the connection or smoke evacuation ducts, the heating body, the pre-fuel oil, the nozzle and the burner. Once the cleaning is complete, the technician will check that the boiler is working properly. And if one or more parts fail, they must be replaced.

But these checks will also cover the fuel consumption of the equipment and its carbon monoxide emission rate. Do not hesitate to ask questions about the function of each part if you do not understand anything. That's how I did it and ended up being a "connoisseur". Of course, it would be ideal for you to attend the maintenance of the equipment in person:it only takes an hour of your time. Personally, I always manage to be present.