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Proper lawn maintenance in 4 steps

Proper lawn maintenance in 4 steps

A pretty green lawn in your garden, what could be more natural, yet this is not always the case and the beauty of a lawn is only possible with regular maintenance and in the rules of the art.

In general, on rainy days the gardens are totally soggy and it is best to avoid trampling them so as not to leave footprints on the softened earth or wheelbarrow marks. Mowing, watering, weeding, fertilizing are all actions that will ensure a flawless lawn. Let's see the different stages of good lawn maintenance.

1. Mow your lawn at the right time

Proper lawn maintenance in 4 steps

The last mowing of your lawn before the off season is essential to enjoy a green and lush lawn in the spring. An ideal cut is made at a height of 5 centimeters maximum, mowing will have the effect of strengthening the roots and making it resistant. Do not wait for the first frosts to mow at the risk of weakening your lawn and exposing it to diseases.

2. Watering your lawn

Essential, a beautiful lawn requires regular watering, too frequent watering disrupts the development of the roots which no longer go down to seek moisture. As a result, the lawn becomes susceptible to drought.

Watering in the evening or at night is ideal in generous quantities and depending on your region. The maintenance contract with a landscaper is a comfortable solution, find out more about the price of landscapers on this page.

3. Weed

Proper lawn maintenance in 4 steps

Weeding is an essential step in the health of your lawn and a few actions will be enough to limit the invasion of weeds. Winter is conducive to weeds and to prevent your lawn from choking on these weeds, maintain it by carrying out a thorough weeding which aims to remove the root of the weed and not only the aerial part.

4. Fertilize to boost your lawn

We all take the vitamin once or twice a year to face the winter and resist epidemics and the lawn also needs fertilizer so that it does not wither prematurely. Fertilizing two to three times a year will complete your lawn maintenance and make your neighbors jealous!