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100 Ways To Use Essential Oil

Essential oils offer many health benefits and include antioxidants, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Brace yourself, because here are 100 ways to use essential oils.

100 ways to use essential oil

To avoid confusion, when I talk about essential oil, it is the same as essential oil. Only use pure essential oil. There are a thousand and one brands on the market today, but only a few meet the highest standards. This also applies to the well-known brand Young Living. Unfortunately, this oil is not as pure as claimed. I am very satisfied with the oil from and have been using it to my full satisfaction for years. The oil is not only pure, but also very affordable.

Essential oil for home and cleaning

1. All-purpose cleaner – add 3 drops of lemon oil and tea tree oil to warm water and use it to naturally disinfect your countertops.
2. Natural mosquito (mosquito) repellant – take 1 drop of lemongrass oil, 1 drop of citronella oil and 1 drop of eucalyptus oil, mix this with a teaspoon of coconut oil and apply or spray it in
3. Sports equipment – do you have children who play a sport? Then you can mix 2 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of lime with some baking soda (sodium carbonate). Sprinkle this on their clothing and equipment for disinfection and freshness
4. Clean air – put a few drops of cinnamon essential oil in the diffuser for this. Cinnamon is known for its antimicrobial properties
5. Washing machine – add 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil while washing
6. Vacuum cleaner  – for a nice smell in the house, add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil to the vacuum cleaner bag
7. Remove mold deposits on your shower curtain – take a spray bottle with a capacity of about 500 ml. Fill in it 4 drops of eucalyptus and 4 drops of tea tree essential oil (melaleuca). Top up with water and spray it on the affected shower curtain. Mold and deposits disappear naturally.
8. Clean burnt pans – You can clean a burnt pan by adding a few drops of lemon oil and boiling water to the pan
9. Lovely smelling house – welcome guests and your family to a wonderful-smelling home by putting a few drops of clove, rosemary and orange essential oil in the diffuser
10. carpet cleaner – mix 20 drops of tea tree oil with borax and clean your carpet with it
11. Insectide – Insects die instantly if they come into contact with orange and clove essential oil (particularly effective for ants)
12. Mold Control – fight fungi and other pathogens by diffusing a few drops of tea tree oil in the diffuser
13. Christmas scent – bring the scent of Christmas into your home with a drop of pine oil, a drop of sandal or cedar wood. The drop is placed on the wood 30 minutes before lighting the fireplace
14. Reduce stress and anxiety – put some lavender oil in the diffuser for a relaxed feeling
15. Abrasive for the bathroom – give your bath and sink a good scrubbing. Mix half a cup of baking soda, half a cup of vinegar and 5 drops of bergamot or lime essential oil
16. Fresh trash can – remove the unsavory smell from your garbage can by placing a cotton pad in it with 2 drops of lime/lemon oil and tea tree oil. Place this cotton pad in the bottom of your trash can to reduce odor and sanitize
17. Wash fruits and vegetables – unfortunately, all too often pesticides and bacteria are left behind on fruits and vegetables. From now on, wash it in a large bowl of water with 2 drops of lime essential oil
18. Fresh cuisine – make your kitchen smell like you've been doing the big cleaning! Place a pan of water on the stove and add a few drops of cloves, cinnamon or citrus oil. This also removes cooking odors
19. Bathroom air freshener – it has been known for some time that commercial air fresheners contain carcinogenic ingredients. Fortunately, you can also easily and quickly make an air freshener yourself. Take a piece of cotton wool and drip some lime or lemon essential oil on it. Place the cotton wool in a strategic place and refresh when the smell is no longer present
20. Clean fridge and freezer – next time you clean the refrigerator or freezer, add a few drops of lime, grapefruit or bergamot oil to the cleaning water
21. Remove smoke – to remove cigarette smoke from the house, put 4 drops of rosemary, 4 drops of tea tree and eucalyptus oil together with water in a spray bottle. Spray this in the smoking rooms
22. Purifying air while painting – add a few drops of peppermint and eucalyptus to a bucket of paint to prevent paint smell
23. Removing sweat odor from shoes – nothing as bad as sweaty feet, especially if the smell remains in the shoes. By putting a few drops of tea tree oil and lemon oil in the shoes, the unsavory smell disappears
24. Cleaner dishes – put a few drops of lime oil in the dishwasher for clean dishes
25. First aid box – prepare a first aid box containing the following essential oils:lavender, lime, peppermint, tea tree, oregano and frankincense

Essential Oils for Spa and Relaxation

26. Improve your sleep – lavender helps against insomnia. Just sprinkle a few drops on the pillow and you are assured of a good night's sleep
27. Body lotion – make a mixture of coconut oil, shea butter, magnesium oil and essential oil of your choice for a nourishing body lotion
28. Homemade lip balm – mix coconut oil, beeswax and lavender oil for a medicinal lip balm. This is a must for dry, chapped lips!
29. Make sure to relax – take away stress and anxiety by dripping one drop of lavender oil on your hand and then holding your hands in front of your nose. Inhale the fragrance to completely relax and calm
30. Massage therapy – use a few drops of cedarwood or lavender oil mixed with some coconut oil for a relaxing massage
31. Relax immediately – put 2 – 4 drops of chamomile, lavender and peppermint oil on your sleep for a cooling and relaxed feeling
32. Detox bath – mix lavender, epsom salt and sea salt in a warm bath and cleanse and invigorate the body
33. Sauna therapy – add 2 drops of your favorite essential oil to two cups of water when taking a sauna
34. Calm a child – a drop of chamomile or lavender on the cuddly toy helps to calm a child quickly
35. Foot bath – add a few drops of lime or eucalyptus to a large bowl of warm water
36. Fighting depression – boost your mood and fight depression by adding a few drops of rose oil to the bath water and a diffuser
37. Clean gym mats – clean your gym mat for the Pilates class with a mix of cloves and citrus oil

Essential oil for natural care

38. Reduce cellulite – mix 5 drops of grapefruit oil with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and massage it into the skin
39. Natural perfume  – use 1 – 2 drops of jasmine essential oil on your wrists as a substitute for chemically produced perfume. For women, the combination of lavender and vanilla can also be used. An eau de cologne for men is made from cypress and a hint of clove
40. Acne face wash – to get rid of acne, a homemade face wash is made. Lubricate the face with a mixture of tea tree (melaleuca) and raw honey. Rinse with warm water
41. Mouth freshener – 1 drop of peppermint oil is enough to make your mouth smell fresh
42. Make your own shampoo – to make homemade shampoo you need a mix of lavender oil, rosemary oil, aloe vera gel and coconut milk. Can be stored for 2-4 weeks. To be used as a standard shampoo
43. Make your own deodorant – combine coconut oil with beeswax and your favorite fragrance essential oil. For example, choose cedarwood and cloves for men and lavender and tea tree oil for women. Make your own deodorant with this
44. Sugar scrub – mix a few drops of essential oil with almond oil and rock salt or sugar to make your own scrub
45. Make your own toothpaste – mix sea salt, baking soda, coconut oil, xylitol and peppermint essential oil together to make a homemade toothpaste
46. Body spray – add 5 – 10 drops to 120 ml of water and use this as a body spray
47. Itchy scalp – add a few drops of lavender, cedarwood or basil to your shampoo to reduce itchiness on the head
48. Thicker hair – add rosemary to your shampoo to naturally thicken and volumize hair
49. Strong nails – mix 10 drops frankincense, myrrh and lemon with two tablespoons of vitamin E oil, rub the cuticles
50. Reduce wrinkles – mix 3 -5 drops of sandalwood, geranium, lavender and frankincense with coconut oil and apply it on your face. Do not let it come into contact with your eyes
51. Whitening teeth – mix lime essential oil, with coconut oil and fresh strawberries. Smear this on the teeth. Rinse after 2 minutes
52. Dandruff Remedy – mix 5 drops of rosemary and lavender with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Massage into the scalp and leave on for 10 minutes. Then wash with shampoo
53. Treating stretch marks – mix 5 drops frankincense, myrrh and grapefruit with coconut oil and spread this mixture on the stretch marks
54. Face scrub – mix ¼ cup yogurt with ¼ cup cornmeal (starch) and 5 drops patchouli, 5 drops grapefruit and 5 drops lavender oil. Use as a facial scrub, wash off with lukewarm water
55. Natural skin toner – mix 240 ml of water with 2 drops of lavender, geranium and frankincense to make your own skin toner
56. Hair conditioner – mix 15 drops of rosewood essential oil with 5 drops of sandalwood and lavender with coconut oil. Place the mixture in a small plastic bag and place in a bowl of warm water to heat. After heating, distribute the oil mixture over the hair and let it steam for 20 minutes. Wrapping in cling film with a towel over it works fine. Then wash with shampoo
57. Reduce age spots – to reduce age spots and spots caused by the sun, you can apply frankincense oil on the affected areas 3 times a day
58. Remedial for oily hair – mix 10 drops of ylang ylang, lime and rosemary essential oil with 60 ml of coconut oil. Massage onto your scalp, 2 – 3 times a week. Wash hair as usual
59. Heal cracked heels  – add 3 drops of lavender oil to two teaspoons of coconut oil. Apply this on your feet in the evening and put on socks
60. Reduce nausea – the smell of peppermint reduces nausea. Apply a drop to the neck and chest. Ginger and lavender also offer a solution

Natural remedy and medication

61. Migraines – mix a few drops of lavender oil with peppermint and apply it to your temples to reduce headaches and migraines
62. Reduce cough and sinusitis – Eucalyptus oil is known to reduce coughing and open airways. Add just a few drops to steaming hot water or the diffuser and inhale deeply the released vapors
63. Heal broken bones – To speed up the healing process of broken bones, helichrysum, pine and cypress wood essential oil can be used
64. Heal burns – mix lavender with aloe vera gel to treat burns
65. Improve digestion – Ginger oil, peppermint and fennel essential oil can be used to improve digestion
66. Treating insect bites – use lavender oil to treat insect bites and stings
67. Remedial for bronchitis and asthma – make your own Vicks spread by mixing eucalyptus, peppermint and coconut oil. Rub the chest and neck
68. Treating bruises – use the medicinal properties of essential oil to treat bruises. Put 5 drops of lavender and five drops of frankincense in 120 ml of hot water and make hot compresses of this which you place on the bruised area
69. Improve ability to concentrate – is your ability to concentrate dwindling throughout the day? Then try the following remedy:inhale bergamot, grapefruit or peppermint oil to improve your concentration
70. Treating sore feet – add 10 drops of peppermint oil and a tablespoon of epsom salt to a warm foot bath
71. Emerging teeth – there is nothing more annoying than erupting teeth in babies. Reduce pain by applying 1-3 drops of lavender oil under the sole of the foot and behind the ears
72. PMS – mix 2 drops of sage, basil and rosemary and put this on a warm, damp towel which you then place on your stomach
73. Eczema and psoriasis cream – for the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and red skin you can make a mix of lavender and shea butter
74. Improve blood circulation  – add 8 – 10 drops of grapefruit oil to the warm bath water
75. Fighting hangover symptoms – add 6 drops of juniper, cedarwood, grapefruit, lavender, rosemary and lime oil to the warm bath water
76. Reducing hunger and balancing sugar levels – Inhale peppermint and cinnamon essential oil to reduce hunger pangs and balance blood sugar
77. Boost your workout – inhale peppermint oil before your workout to give yourself a boost
78. Reduce fever – fever can be effectively treated with essential oil. To do this, mix 1 – 3 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender on a cool washcloth and sponge the body with it
79. Tackling motion sickness – a good remedy for anyone who suffers from motion sickness:take peppermint, lavender and ginger oil and make a mixture of this that you drop on a handkerchief and inhale
80. Reduce arthritis – mix 2 drops of wintergreen, cypress wood and lemongrass with coconut oil. Massage this on the affected areas
81. Treating ringworm – mix 3 drops of tea tree oil with coconut oil and apply it on the place where the ringworm is located
82. Combat head lice naturally – mix 3 drops of thyme, lavender and eucalyptus essential oil with coconut oil and apply to the scalp. Cover the head with a bath cap and leave the mixture on for 30 minutes. Then wash with shampoo
83. Heal blisters – mix 2 drops of tea tree oil with 2 drops of coconut oil and apply to the blisters up to 5 times a day
84. Sunburn – to reduce the pain of a sunburn, chamomile and lavender oil are mixed with a tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply to burned skin with a cotton pad to reduce swelling and pain
85. Lose weight – combine grapefruit oil, ginger and cinnamon oil and take it as a dietary supplement (3x daily) to support metabolism (note:only use organic essential oil for this)
86. Give immune system boost – mix 1 drop of oregano oil with 4 drops of coconut oil and apply it to the sole of your foot before flying. This is also good during a period when there is an increased risk of flu, Coronavirus and more
87. Muscle pain – treat muscle soreness with a mixture made of eucalyptus, wintergreen and cypress wood combined with some coconut oil and rub on the muscles
88. Allergy – drop some frankincense and lavender on your palms and inhale deeply to soothe a sore throat and nose
89. Cold – take a mixture of 3 drops of oregano oil and frankincense 3 times a day (for a maximum of 1 week)
90. Neck and back pain – nothing as annoying as neck and back pain. Mix peppermint, cypress wood, ginger oil with cayenne pepper and coconut oil as a DIY muscle balm
91. Rash after contact with plants – some plants such as certain types of creepers cause itchy rashes. To naturally treat the itching and rash, 3 drops of peppermint oil are mixed with coconut oil and rubbed onto the rash.
92. Sunscreen – mix coconut oil, zinc oxide, shea butter, lavender oil and helichrysum oil and store in a glass bottle. You can use the non-toxic sunscreen to your heart's content
93. Cold hands and feet – take coconut oil and mix it with a few drops of black pepper essential oil for quick and comfortable warming of cold hands and feet
94. Cold sore – take 5 drops of lemon balm, 5 drops of myrtle and 10 drops of coconut oil that you mix in a dropper and apply on the lip

Additional tips for using essential oil

95. Peppermint chocolate candies – take peppermint oil, coconut oil, dark chocolate and raw honey to make delicious peppermint candies
96. Mint tea – add a drop of peppermint to your favorite tea for a fresh mint taste
97. Gift for the bride – give the bride (to be) a special homemade lotion made from essential oil. Take 20 drops of sandalwood, 4 drops of cocoa, vanilla and rose oil and add it to coconut oil
98. Baby shower/baby shower gift – give the new-fangled mother a wall diffuser and a bottle of essential oil as a maternity gift to calm them down
99. Fresh lemon water – Take 2 – 3 drops of lemon oil and add it to a large pitcher of cold water for wonderfully refreshing lemon water
100. Chocolate milk with mint – add 2 – 3 drops of peppermint to a cup of chocolate milk

Are you looking for high-quality essential oil and curious about my experiences? Be sure to read my review on where they sell organic oil.

What applications of essential oil did you already know? Do you have any additions for 100 ways to use essential oil?