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How much does a new decoration for his apartment or house cost?

Redecorating the interior decoration of your house or apartment is a heavy investment which needs to be carefully considered. Indeed, apart from the cost of materials and equipment, labor must also be taken into consideration in the budget.

How much does a new decoration for his apartment or house cost?

The budget, again the budget!

Who does not dream of a modern interior and design perfectly arranged, but above all aesthetically decorated in the image of oneself? Unfortunately, having a bespoke living room, living room, kitchen or bedroom can be very expensive. The estimate is still likely to climb if several rooms of the house are concerned. Hence the choice of many owners to devote themselves first to one space before tackling another. In any case, you must be financially ready before embarking body and soul on this undertaking by estimating the possible cost of the redevelopment. Indeed, by having an idea of ​​the sums possibly to be paid, you also make a small assessment of your financial possibilities. Will your savings and your personal contribution manage to cover everything or should you consider a bank loan?

Good questions to ask yourself

Two important parameters must be taken into account when determining the budget. The first is the nature and extent of the work. Here are the essential questions to ask yourself:how many rooms are to be redecorated? Is it just a paint refresh? Is the replacement of the flooring and tiling also considered? Are we going to install a dressing room, new cupboards?

What about the lighting system? Is the change of furniture planned or would you settle for a new arrangement? Do you want to make your attic habitable? Once the project is clearly defined, you can go to the next step, namely choose to go through a professional or not . But already, to completely redecorate a house or a loft, plan on average 500 euros per square meter, otherwise 350 euros for an apartment and 250 euros for a studio.

Which professional should I contact?

By now knowing the amount you will have to pay, you will know if you can afford the services of a professional decorator or not. However, when it comes to completely redeveloping a room or an entire home, it would seem wiser to entrust this responsibility to a service provider who has the necessary know-how and experience. Unless you're part of it yourself. The professional, on the other hand, will be selected above all according to the work to be carried out. Three situations may arise:

Modification of the structure of the house

In the case where there is a modification of the structure of the house, the knocking down of a wall, the development of a staircase, the creation of new windows or the installation of a mezzanine, an architect interior is highly recommended. Only the latter can indeed bring so many technical upheavals without any consequences on the healthiness of the building, its solidity, its plumbing, or even its electrical installation. Moreover, it is because an interior designer has several skills that his fees are the highest compared to people working in this sector of activity. If you need his services, count 1,500 euros minimum. And for information, this professional is paid according to the scope and complexity of the work.

Redistribute or reassign rooms in the house

On the other hand, when it comes to redistributing and reassigning rooms, finding innovative and original ideas for arranging space or choosing new sanitary facilities, an interior decorator is more recommended.

Replace or modify the decoration of the rooms

Finally, if you just want to replace the wallpaper, buy a new rug, paintings and decorative objects, or even change the curtains, get help from a decorating coach. Their rate is generally 100 euros per hour.