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How to choose an interior door? How much does it cost ?

How to choose an interior door? How much does it cost ?

Even if interior doors are less noticeable than entry door models, nothing prevents you from replacing them when the latter wear out and begin to lose their aesthetics. Now you just have to choose the right model.

The parameters to take into account to choose the right doors

The interior door is available in a very wide range of materials, designs and colors which can quickly transform its purchase into a real headache. However, before getting carried away for one or more models, many imperatives will have to be respected. And for some, these constraints will already reduce the possibilities.

Thus, regardless of the area of ​​the house where it will be installed, the door must be selected first of all according to the necessary swing space to be observed for the door to be functional. Opening and closing must always be easy, but above all easy and without any obstacles. In addition, the sizes of the neighboring walls must also be taken into consideration, especially for those who dream of a sliding model.

Not to mention also the provisions and special arrangements if a person with reduced mobility lives in the accommodation. Also be aware that tailor-made is quite possible. Your interior doors must also meet dimensional standards, namely a minimum of 80 centimeters in width.

What material for the door?

Serving as delimitation, separation or insulation of the different areas of the house, the interior door should not make you forget that it is an integral part of the decoration, as well as the handles that will be installed there. That is why its external appearance, more precisely its material, is also very important during its purchase. This element has indeed a lot of impact on both its price and its robustness, particularly for those who want shielding, for example between the house and the garage, or in businesses.

We immediately think of the steel models which, remember, are the most expensive on the market since the basics are offered at 700 euros. Yet at this price you can get a mid-range aluminum model, if not higher quality if your preference is for PVC. But we cannot forget the wood which is currently the most frequently encountered in private homes. One of its only disadvantages is its rather high cost compared to other materials.

For hard and solid wood doors, count at least 450 euros. The bill can quickly climb if two or three doors are to be replaced. Otherwise the alternative of wood is composite. The price is undoubtedly one of the major reasons that justify the purchase decision. Moreover, we often forget to include in the budget the service of the craftsman who will take care of the installation of the door.

The different models of interior doors

How to choose an interior door? How much does it cost ?

Once you have decided on the material, you also need to define the shape of the door. Here too, the choice is wide. However, certain rules will have to be observed. Thus, to preserve everyone's intimacy and privacy, solid doors are ideal for toilets, shower rooms and bedrooms. It may happen that in a baby's or child's room, we prefer semi-glazed windows to keep an eye on the little ones.

As for glass doors, these will find their place in living rooms such as the living room, dining room and lounge. What's more, this type of door brings brightness to a house or an apartment. And sometimes also, the door needs to be well insulated acoustically so as not to disturb the other occupants of the premises from the noise of radios, TVs, stereos or from a games room, for example.

Otherwise, hinged or sliding? Here is also another question to which you must very quickly find an answer. And if for you nothing beats classic styles, give preference to hinged doors. To be avoided, however, in small spaces, insofar as the door risks taking up space. Hence the interest of sliding models. The only constraints are the additional work to be planned.