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How much space does it take to build a swimming pool in the garden?

Space can be a barrier to building a pool. This is why it is necessary to make sure beforehand that you have the available space, before even considering the project.

How much space does it take to build a swimming pool in the garden?

Choose the right pool size

The advantage is that today it is possible to consider all possible pool sizes, ranging from XXL models to mini-pools. Construction techniques have evolved enormously, making it possible to materialize the most fanciful desires. But be careful, we must not forget that having a large swimming pool is synonymous with high cost, not only from the point of view of construction, but also in terms of water needs and maintenance. Also, even if the garden is very large, it is not necessarily necessary to fill all this space. In general, a family pool is 3m x 6m. But a National Federation of Sports and Leisure Equipment Manufacturers study revealed that it is more comfortable to have a pool of 9.60 x 4.80 m.

Be careful, it is not recommended to choose the size of the pool at random, especially from the point of view of the width. Is it necessary to have a pool with a width of 5 meters when 4 meters are more than enough? Aesthetically, there is no difference. On the other hand, a 4 meter wide pool will save up to 20% of water volume compared to a 5 meter model. The choice is quickly made. Not to mention the filtration which will not need to be extremely powerful.

Note, having a mini-pool is not inevitable either. The trend today is for XS pools which have different shapes:rectangular, square, round, oval. They are very advantageous because in addition to being affordable, they do not require heavy work. And from a regulatory point of view, we have everything to gain. As the pools are generally less than 10 m², it is not necessary to apply for a building permit (more advice on the pool to see here or here).

Do not omit pool sides

A very important point not to be overlooked:the size of the pool is not the only parameter to take into consideration when thinking about the surface area of ​​the swimming pool. It is imperative to think about everything that will be around the pool, especially the circulation space. On both sides, a space of 3 meters is required to install tables, deck chairs and other sofas. Do not forget also the technical room which will have to be installed close to the filtration system.

Alongside all this, legal distances must also be observed. According to the regulations, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 3 meters between the edges of the pool and the neighbour's fence. Therefore, there is no need to consider a swimming pool that completely occupies the space available in the garden or risk being exposed to heavy fines. As such, to be sure to build within the rules, it is wiser to consult the Local Urban Plan available from the town hall in order to know all the possible limits imposed by law.