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Adorn the garden with an original swimming pool

Adorn the garden with an original swimming pool

Having a swimming pool in your garden is a great advantage, it allows you to bring family and friends together on a weekend, especially during moments of scorching sun and heat. But having a pool that fits in well with the rest of the property is a plus.

Indeed, an original swimming pool is the guarantee of a personalization of your outdoor layout and will undoubtedly be the subject of all interest during a family barbecue or a little swim in the heat of the coming summer.

There are several designs and ranges you can choose from. In fact, everything depends on your budget, your needs and the type of terrain where you want to install it.

Which types of swimming pool to choose?

Oval, round or rectangular shapes are the most common when it comes to installing a swimming pool at home. If you have a small space, it is better to choose an above ground pool. Very economical, you can also choose those that are inflatable or that include kits. As soon as the season ends, just deflate them and you're done. In addition, this model is shallow and easy to assemble.

Adorn the garden with an original swimming pool

On the other hand, kit pools are more or less difficult to install. The tubular shape is very solid, it has metal reinforcements. The wooden basin easily integrates into the environment because of its aesthetics. It adapts to all types of garden.

Finally, the steel pool comes with a kit. On the other hand, if you have enough budgets, nothing beats the dug models. They are more comfortable, but require the intervention of professional masons. You will also need a building permit.

Build an original swimming pool

Define in advance the appearance of your pool to have more originality. By calling on the specialists, you can obtain a distinct basin in the shape of a heart or with placed angles. Some architects can integrate rocks and sand all around the latter.

The majority of customers adopt ecological pools that are equipped with water purification accessories. Still in the field of decoration, you can arrange a waterfall, some lighting for midnight baths, but also a fountain.

Adorn the garden with an original swimming pool

To change the color of the water, special products are available from vendors. After swimming, don't forget to cover the pool with a tarpaulin, which can also be personalized.

The key to a unique swimming pool is based on these various elements as well as on the inspiration of the architect in question. Consult manufacturers' catalogs for inspiration and specific ideas. You can also opt for a natural pool made with stones, wood, a tarpaulin, plants... In fact, it is a modern version of garden ponds.

Practical tips for maintaining your swimming pool

To have fun in peace, you have to follow certain rules. If you have children, do not leave them unattended when they walk near the pool. Store cleaning products well. As for the maintenance of the pool, you need to buy complete equipment.

Adorn the garden with an original swimming pool

The water must be regularly maintained. For this, do not hesitate to adjust the dose of products with chlorine, Bayrol, Mareva, Arch Chemicals, Waterair, Zodiac, etc. The landing net allows you to pick up debris on the surface, especially leaves and small insects.

The vacuum cleans the depth. All the accessories that accompany the pool must be cleaned, namely the skimmers, the pump and the filter. To respect hygiene, a weekly maintenance is mandatory. This gesture is very important in order to preserve the quality of the equipment and the water.