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How to get rid of rodents in your garden

How to get rid of rodents in your garden

Rodents enter private gardens in search of food and safe shelter. They reproduce quickly and in large numbers. It is therefore important to react quickly if you notice their presence because they can ravage your garden.

Rats and mice attack plants, enter homes, gnaw trees and textiles to make a nest. They are also the source of many diseases. Their stains are dangerous, you can be contaminated by handling objects soaked in their urine! It is therefore imperative to drive these rodents out of your garden.

Get rid of rodents from your green space

Before carrying out an extermination, it is strongly recommended to carry out a major cleaning of your house. Food should be stored in airtight containers or in the refrigerator. Proper cleaning of food crumbs is essential to completely eradicate rodent invasion.

How to get rid of rodents in your garden

Rats hate the smell of peppermint or clove essential oils sprayed on them. Rodent holes will be securely plugged to prevent them from re-establishing themselves. But the greatest enemy of mice and rats is the cat. Having a keen sense of smell, rodents quickly run away from cats wandering through a garden. Mice and rats will quickly move away from the house to escape this large predator.

Use ecological products to preserve your garden

Rat traps or bait stations are mainly used by professional pest control. The purpose of the trap is to lure the rat inside and then capture it in the device. There are professional exterminators who undertake to use ecological products, such as the company Alternative 4D located in the Alpes-Maritimes. As a result, the deratizer will use ecological traps instead of toxic products, which is much better for the preservation of the natural ecosystem of your garden.

The new European legislation on the use of rodenticides outdoors is pushing pest control companies to use ecological products in order to preserve the life of the garden. Chemical pest control products are not good for the earth.

How to get rid of rodents in your garden

There are anticoagulant rondenticides that kill rodents but these products are often very toxic. Place them out of the reach of children and pets. If you decide to use this product to solve your infestation problem in your garden, first read the instructions to choose the appropriate product for the targeted pest.

More information on the field mouse that ravages gardens:

Non-blood-thinning poisons for home use may contain cellulose, a powdered active ingredient made from corn cobs. Other anticoagulant and non-anticoagulant rodenticides are for commercial use only and should be used by a certified professional. Repellents are effective in preventing rodents from destroying young trees and other ornamental shrubs.

Ultrasonic devices emit sound waves or vibrations that scare away rats and mice, but rats can get used to them and come back. It is therefore recommended to combine the use of ultrasound methods with traps.