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Bad smells in the bathroom:how to eliminate them?

Bad smells in the bathroom:how to eliminate them?

Everyone has a holy horror of bad smells emanating from the bathroom . And it becomes even more problematic when they seem to persist despite the airing of the room. This inconvenience is easily installed in bathrooms and can quickly invade the adjacent hallway.

They can nevertheless be easily avoided with tips and tricks, but also good effective cleaning habits. To do this, we offer natural solutions to sanitize and purify your bathroom.

Neutralize bad odors

Baking soda is well known for its deodorizing properties. Simple and effective, you just need to take a cup of baking soda and add a little lemon juice to it. Then place the mixture obtained in the room provided and you will thus be able to neutralize bad odors. For the pipes, use coffee grounds:having an abrasive effect, it removes all the impurities from the pipes. However, be careful not to use it too frequently:once a week is more than enough. An overdose could indeed clog the pipes.

Scent your bathroom

Now that you know how to fix bad smells, it's time to bring in some good 100% natural smells. Orange peels give off a very sweet fruity scent in your bathroom:exposed to the sun, the peels will pleasantly perfume your room as they dry. You can also opt for a potpourri in which you will have poured 4 to 5 drops of essential oil of the perfume that suits you best:lemon, lavender or even mandarin, you will be spoiled for choice. In addition, the potpourri will also serve as decoration, placed wisely on the shelves. Avoid scented candles that give off dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like benzene and formaldehyde.

For poorly ventilated bathrooms

Bad smells in the bathroom:how to eliminate them?

If your room is cramped, but also poorly ventilated, it is possible to opt for an air purifier. Indeed, in these cases, the perfume of the essential oils risks mixing with that of the bad smells, which will prove to be even more unpleasant. Air purifiers improve air circulation and thus drive out odor-producing bacteria. Available in supermarkets or online, the price range of these products is very wide, the choice will be wide.

Cleaning, not to be neglected

Cleaning eliminates a large part of the bad smells. Cleaning up at least once a month is mandatory. With ecological cleaning products, cleaning can already reduce bad smells. It is therefore advisable to wash the bathtub, the tiles at least every week and change the towels at the same time. For the toilet bowl, seat and exterior walls, very regular cleaning is recommended. The same goes for the shower and the sink, especially during waxing. Traps should also be cleaned to avoid clogs that create foul odors. You can use a mixture of coarse salt, baking soda and white vinegar for this.