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Bad Smells In The Sink? How to DESTROY THEM With Coffee Grounds.

Bad Smells In The Sink? How to DESTROY THEM With Coffee Grounds.

Does your sink give off bad smells?

It's normal when you cook often...

Looking for a quick fix to destroy those sewer smells?

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to eliminate them quickly.

The anti-odor trick is to pour coffee grounds and boiling water down the sink. Watch:

Bad Smells In The Sink? How to DESTROY THEM With Coffee Grounds.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips
  • Bonus tip

How to

1. Collect morning coffee grounds.

2. Pour a cup of coffee grounds down the sink.

3. Pour over a whole bowl of boiling water.

Bad Smells In The Sink? How to DESTROY THEM With Coffee Grounds.

4. Repeat the operation once a week so that the odors do not return.


And now, thanks to the coffee grounds, no more bad smells in the sink :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

The coffee grounds eliminated unpleasant odors in no time!

These bad smells come from the pipes and the coffee grounds cleans them.

No need to buy Destop to maintain the pipes!

Coffee grounds do the same job, naturally and for much less.

And it works for both kitchen and bathroom drains.

Additional advice

For this trick to be effective, the coffee grounds must still be moist.

Don't wait for it to dry! Use same day coffee grounds.

Bonus tip

Do you know that coffee grounds are also an excellent hand deodorant?

So if your hands smell like fish or garlic after cooking, just rub them with coffee grounds.

Bad odors will immediately disappear and your fingers will smell like coffee. Check out the trick here.