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5 good reasons to build a wooden house

The building sector is surfing on the vogue for wooden houses to offer even more economical, aesthetic and ecological constructions. Thanks to the efforts of the builders, these wooden habitats are very successful. It must be said that their advantages are numerous.

A more sustainable home

For centuries, wood has been the preferred material for builders in the construction of frames or walls. And for good reason, it is a very resistant and light material. It develops an unfailing solidity. Evidenced by the centuries-old houses whose structure is still of very good quality. Wood also has low thermal conductivity. It is therefore fire resistant. For simple comparison, compared to concrete, it transmits heat 10 times less quickly. And compared to steel, this number increases to 250. Unlike many materials, wood provides more stability in the event of a fire. It is easier to predict and control its combustion.

Enjoy a house with reinforced insulation

On construction news sites, the insulating qualities of wooden houses are constantly praised (see also another good source on construction work). If we were to make comparisons again, wood is at the top of the list of the best insulating materials. It insulates 15 times better than concrete and 1700 times better than aluminum. Thermal performance must nevertheless be optimized by installing an effective insulation system coupled with good airtightness of the building. A well-insulated house immediately reduces energy bills related to heating. It should be noted in passing that a wooden habitat retains its insulating qualities for life. This is why it is eligible for various high energy performance labels.

A larger living space

The living area is one of the main issues when building a house. A problem quickly solved thanks to the wood. This type of construction has the advantage of having thinner walls than a cement or breeze block house, without failing on the “insulation” aspect. It is indeed possible to integrate the insulation directly into the walls, which makes it possible to obtain thinner walls. The key space saving is highly appreciable.

All architectural styles are allowed

Architects are increasingly adept at using wood. Indeed, this material is a source of architectural creativity given its lightness and flexibility. Qualities that allow professionals to imagine houses with breathtaking architectural results. The evolution of construction techniques is also a factor favoring this architectural freedom. In addition, the wooden house has the advantage of facilitating extension projects.

The wooden house is scalable

A wooden house is flexible and modular. Homeowners will have no difficulty extending their home or transforming it to provide additional living space. The habitat can evolve at the same time as the expansion of the family and its needs. No more thinking about moving when the children grow up or when a baby arrives and the need for space is felt.