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How to properly plant your trees, shrubs and hedges?

How to properly plant your trees, shrubs and hedges?

Plants play an important role in the environment of our home. They give life to the gardens and contribute to our well-being. However, to plant them, you have to be meticulous. Many often don't know where to start. It is an art that requires a good mastery of the techniques and the steps to follow. To help you achieve this without a hitch, we offer you in this article the procedure to follow.

Preparing your space

After choosing your plants, it is important to clearly define the place where you want to plant them. Depending on the quality of the soil, you will know if your garden is the ideal space for your plants. So test your soil. If it's light or sandy, don't dig too deep, but make sure there's enough room for the roots.

On the other hand, if your soil is hard, heavy or clayey, you will have to dig more in width and less in depth. Many people do not pay attention to these details and thus harm the growth of plants. You must also determine if your soil is able to support the growth of a tree.

Plant preparation

The second step is to wet the root ball. To do this, you need to use a large container that is more than half full. Immerse the root ball in the container and let it soak for at least a good five minutes. This trick is useful because it allows water to infiltrate all parts of the root ball. This will make it easier to unpot the plant and the first waterings.

The burial

Once the root ball is well wetted, all you have to do is take the plant out of the pot while making sure that the roots are clear. Feel free to use a trowel if necessary. Then lay the plant at the bottom of the dug hole. Be careful, check that the roots do not intertwine, otherwise you risk weakening the plant.

Then fill the hole with a mixture of dug earth and potting soil or pozzolana. It is sometimes recommended to provide a layer of a few centimeters of gravel depending on the quality of your soil. Before compacting your plantation, you must first check two essential points. You have to make sure that the plant is vertical and that it is not too deep in the hole.

It is possible to consult professionals for advice on planting a shrub in a pot.


It is essential to always conclude your plantations with a first watering . The amount of water will depend on the depth of the dug hole. In general, two watering cans are enough. The first watering is mainly used to harmonize your planting. Also remember to check from time to time that there is no damage and do not forget to apply maintenance according to the seasons. If there is a lot of sales, for example, you can install a guard .

The particularity of a hedge

There are different species of plants and each of them is treated according to its characteristics. In general, most plants are planted the same way with a few exceptions. Whether it is a shrub, a tree or a hedge, it is always important to follow the different steps that we have presented to you.

If you have opted for the evergreen hedge, know that its particularity lies in the layout. The holes must be well aligned, and the shrubs well laid out to preserve the aesthetic side. Before choosing to plant a shrub hedge in your garden, be sure to check the species carefully to avoid any surprises. Prices also vary according to the families of shrubs and their place of origin.

You now know everything you need to do to have a beautiful garden. Put on your gloves and get to work!