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Establish conviviality by creating an indoor garden

Establish conviviality by creating an indoor garden

What better than a green space within a company, a shopping center or a leisure center to bring the place to life. Indeed, the integration of nature optimizes these collective spaces. We will eventually talk about an indoor garden in an open-air gallery.

The creation of such a project requires the know-how of a landscaper. The latter will be able to adapt the wishes of professionals according to the space they have. The goal is to make the interior space a privileged and relaxing place.

How to design an indoor garden?

Establish conviviality by creating an indoor garden

It is possible to create an indoor garden in your home. It can be arranged in a whole room or partially.

Nature lovers can indeed bring several plants into a part of their home. However, you have to be meticulous, both in the choice of plants and in the use of mineral spaces.

The balance of volumes and colors is not left out. Several steps come into play in the realization of this project. In addition to design and layout, maintenance is the trickiest part of enjoying these marvels over the long term.

The creation of an indoor garden must take into account several parameters. In any case, it is imperative to select species adapted to the constraints of the places, namely the temperature, the hygrometry, the luminosity, the density of passage, etc.

In fact, the maintenance of interior landscaped areas requires specific expertise. This is valid for all types of landscaped spaces in living spaces, such as indoor gardens, tropical greenhouses, lush surroundings of swimming pools and many more.

The benefit of creating an indoor green space

Establish conviviality by creating an indoor garden

A simple floral wall decoration can make a place more pleasant. This piece of green wall is also very popular. It can be integrated into a restaurant, a terrace or a swimming pool. It is intended to be a source of relaxation, without imposing itself.

Ideally, it should be located near a skylight for easier maintenance, but also to highlight the decorative aspect of the plants. Depending on the style or the signature of the landscape architect to whom you entrust the project, the spirit of conviviality will be felt.

A guarantee of well-being, the indoor green space guarantees a better quality of life for its occupants. Take the case of a home whose air needs to be purified. In addition to providing a beautiful decoration, the depolluted air promotes health.

With a vertical garden, the installation of a fountain will bring more to the landscaped place. Moreover, all means are good to stimulate the spirit, in particular by bringing greenery into our homes.

If we recap, the layout of an indoor garden is a strong point for your professional or private space.

Such a place is simply synonymous with well-being, relaxation and healthier air. Indeed, the invigorating and relaxing touch is undeniably a source of relaxation.