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An above ground swimming pool for your garden

An above ground swimming pool for your garden

If you don't have one at home yet, I'm going to explain a bit what an above ground pool is, the advantages of installing it in your garden while giving you some useful advice on choice and maintenance. of this type of pool.

Understanding the above ground pool

An above ground pool is a private pool allowing you to enjoy swimming at any time. As its name suggests, it sits directly on the ground and has many advantages!

Its major asset is its price:compared to the price of in-ground pools, the price of an above-ground pool is more affordable . With easier and faster assembly, the above ground pool can be installed on all types of terrain, even the narrowest. Moreover, it is removable and easy to clean. If you choose a model that does not exceed 20 m2, you will not need to take any administrative steps (no declaration of works, no building permit). But for a large model above ground pool, a permit application and a declaration must be submitted to the town hall.

Brands of above ground pools

The brand is one of the criteria that we consider as a guarantee of quality. If you are a fan of PVC pools, the INTEX brand is the most popular on the market. INTEX above ground pools are of excellent quality with very attractive prices. For wooden pools, favor the Ubbink brand, and Gré for metal pools.

On the market, you can discover five types of above ground pools, including the self-supporting pool, tubular, inflatable, wooden or metal above ground pool.

An above ground swimming pool for your garden

PISCINECO above ground pools

Piscineco is an online store specialist in the sale of above ground swimming pools from Gré, Ubbink and Intex . The swimming pools sold on this e-tailer's site are all delivered with equipment to facilitate their installation (kits, manuals and instructional DVDs), they are comfortable, safe and at very competitive prices.

At Piscineco, you will find the following models:

Freestanding swimming pools

A self-supporting pool, otherwise known as a pool with an inflatable ring, is an above-ground pool model that is very easy to install and transport. Its assembly does not require any expensive work. The self-supporting swimming pool is equipped with a liner surrounded by an inflatable ring used to hold the structure of the swimming pool. To use it, simply inflate the air tube and fill the pool. Whatever the desired size, Piscineco offers you a wide range of Intex self-supporting pools (The oval self-supporting pool is available in several diameters, from 2.44 to 4.57 m, even 5.49 m). The height of freestanding pools varies from 76 cm to 1.22 m. This model is suitable for all members of the family, from children who love water games to adults looking for moments of relaxation.

Tube swimming pools

If you have a large enough space in your garden, the Intex tubular pool is the best choice. Characterized by its large size making it the pool for the whole family, its installation does not require heavy work. Tubular pools are equipped with resistant liners that can withstand the weight of water. They are always delivered with a safety ladder as well as a cartridge or sand filtration system. Depending on the number of people in your family, your budget and the size of the space at your disposal, you will have the choice between round, square or rectangular tubular pools. As for the solidity and quality of tubular pools, you can rest easy because these criteria are guaranteed.

An above ground swimming pool for your garden

Inflatable pools

Piscineco also provides you with inflatable swimming pools and inflatable play areas for your children. In addition to their ease of installation, these types of pools have optimal resistance and guaranteed solidity. With various accessories such as integrated fountains or umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun, inflatable pools will delight toddlers.

Above ground pools in wood and steel

Above all, don't hesitate to trust Gré's above-ground steel swimming pools. You have the choice between a round or oval basin, very aesthetic and solid. Steel is able to withstand the elements and is easy to maintain. Steel pools are delivered with a complete kit (cartridge or sand filtration system, liner, metal walls).

If you prefer wooden pools, the Ubbink brand suggests several models with multiple qualities:easy assembly, natural design, robustness...

Safety of an above ground pool

Even if the law does not lay down any particular safety rules for above-ground pools, certain precautions must still be taken, especially for young children. For example, don't forget to fold up or remove the pool ladder to make it inaccessible to children when necessary. Also provide a security alarm to detect immersions and a protective barrier to prevent toddlers from approaching the pool. Most importantly, never let your children swim alone without supervision.

Maintenance of above ground pools

In order to preserve its quality, an above-ground swimming pool must be maintained regularly . Whatever the model, clean it with a net to remove dirt on the surface, brush the bottom of the pool with a broom or a vacuum cleaner. Filtration is of paramount importance. Normally, above ground pools are sold with a filtration system. Do not neglect the periodic verification of the pH of your pool water in order to make the necessary corrections. For disinfected, clean and hygienic water, you can opt for electrolysis, chlorine or ozone treatment. Consider buying a winter cover if you don't want to dismantle your pool in winter.

Above ground pools are economical and can be suitable for any type of garden. But before adopting one, think carefully about the space you have and your budget. As for the style, it is a matter of taste. Remember to follow the installation instructions exactly!