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Tips for a green home

Tips for a green home

How to reconcile housing and respect for the environment?

If you have just acquired a property or intend to rent it out and want to make it a sustainable habitat, a few things can help you make it “eco-friendly”.

Five tips to avoid energy loss

Install timers for heating. High-performance devices exist to allow you to automatically adjust your heating to 19°C during the night. Turning down the heating at night helps you achieve considerable energy savings. In the long term, your energy bill (electricity or gas) will be lower.

Ask for the peak/off-peak hours option from your energy supplier. The off-peak hours option consists of varying the price per kwh of electricity according to the time of day. In general, the 16 off-peak hours are fixed between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.:during these hours the price of kwh is lower. The other eight hours are called “peak hours”. The price per KWh of electricity is considerably increased in order to dissuade consumers from consuming too much during these hours.

Tips for a green home

Favor light in your landscaping. We give you some advice on this in this article. If you install mirrors in front of the windows, and your walls, ceilings and furniture are light in color, daylight will enter your interior more readily. This will allow you to turn the light on later in the evening, saving energy.

Install double glazing. Poorly insulated windows are responsible for immense losses of energy and heat. A current of air that insinuates itself into the micro openings, and it is an immense quantity of heat that flees every year.

Put water aerators on your taps. Water is a precious commodity that we waste far too easily. If you have installed modern faucets, ask your plumber to add water aerators to them. These ingenious devices inject air into the water flowing from the tap, in order to reduce the amount of water wasted while maintaining the same flow rate.

Tips to green your home

Tips for a green home

Subscribe to a green energy offer. The energy transition that has been implemented and validated by French and European public policies tends to favor the development of renewable energies. For each KWh of energy that you consume, your supplier undertakes to return an identical quantity of energy from green production methods (wind energy, photovoltaic, tidal energy, etc.) to the national grid

Install compost in your garden. A very large part of our daily waste is organic:this waste is dust and returns to dust after decomposition. Peelings, leftover dishes, but also excrement from small rodents or waste from your indoor or outdoor plants, are all elements which, after decomposition, will make excellent compost for your vegetable garden. To do this, ask a garden center for a compost device, which you will install at the bottom of your garden.