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ornamental grasses

Question from a blogger. "My blue fescues are ugly, how do I prune them?" »

Grass like blue fescues, they should be cut very close in order to eliminate dry strands and let the plant breathe and make new shoots. When the fescue, after only a few years, is very large, it may have a dry part in the middle. Now is the time to divide it.

Tear out the root ball, cut it into several pieces with a spade or a sharp tool, such as an opinel knife, and replant the shards, after properly preparing the soil. Fescue thrives in dry locations , stony, wonderful in so-called dry rock gardens with white or pink perennial geraniums.

Below is a grass (whose name I'm not sure, hence its absence) that suffers the same fate as the little blue fescue; severe pruning at the end of winter.

ornamental grasses
