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The color of the year 2019 is coral

Only a few weeks left before the end of the year, and already all heads are turned towards 2019. The big trends for the coming months are taking shape, and whether it's fashion, beauty or decoration, a only watchword is to remember:Pantone. The trend study institute based in New Jersey, in the United States, determines every year which is the flagship color that should be adopted as soon as possible. After the Greenery green in 2017 and the Ultra-Violet in 2018, it is the Living Coral, understand a bright coral, which will be the star of 2019. The color, also known under the Pantone reference 16-1546, is an orange vibrant which was chosen "in response to the reign of digital technology and social networks which are taking an increasing part in our lives s”. There, like that, we do not see the relationship very well but more detailed explanations make it possible to understand the motivations of the "influencers" at Pantone. “The engaging nature of Pantone 12-1546 Living Coral encourages playful activity. [The shade] symbolizes our inner need for optimism and happy pursuits, it embodies our desire for playful expression. Representing the fusion of modern living, Living Coral is an uplifting color that shows up in our natural surroundings as well as exhibiting an active social media presence ". Why not…

The “need of man to reconcile with nature”

To sum up, in these somewhat gloomy times, the shade of coral is perfect for warming hearts and putting a little fun in everyone's life. For Leatrice Eiseman, the institute's general director, it also represents man's need to reconcile with nature, and in particular to draw energy from the invigorating colors with which it is endowed (the color is similar indeed to the red coral of the seabed). So why deprive yourself of it? If repainting an entire wall of your living room in coral seems a little (too) daring, it is a shade that you can in any case easily integrate into your home by touches – an armchair, candles, cushions – to give a internal boost (and morale). The hair care brand Aveda jumped at the chance to suggest a coral coloring that is certainly a bit crazy, but infinitely aesthetic. Judge for yourself… Good and on the ready-to-wear side, coral has been causing a sensation as soon as spring has been around for several years now. So, are you feeling inspired by this invigorating salmon?