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Many people wonder what the rules are for making potpourri. Indeed, not to say that they do not exist, it is simply necessary to know that they are established by everyone who wants to compose their potpourri. The technique is in the originality as well as in the desired result, question of smell. For fresh flowers, use a flower delivery service.

Depending on the fragrance

Potpourri are floral compositions, can we say so, made from dried flowers and many varieties. Thus, no rule governs their composition, but everything depends on the fragrance that is expected of them. The mixture must be put in an open container (jar) or in an element that can let the scents out (veils, mesh fabrics, etc.). The goal is to let the smells of flowers fill an entire room or location, depending on choice.

In general, potpourri are individual flower arrangements. But they can be found at flower shops. To make it, you need dried leaves and flowers that give off fragrances. You must then put them in suitable containers, loot them a little so that they release more odor, and put them in a place that you want to perfume. Some people add other aromatic plants to their composition, either dry or wet. For example, we can cite vanilla, cinnamon, anise, clove or geranium. These plants thus help to generate even more fragrance. Sometimes, too, spices can come into play when making potpourri, looted with the dried flowers and leaves, they offer another note of scent in the place where the pots are placed.

Question of space, the potpourri are more advantageous when they are placed in front of a door, at the entrance of a room or a house. Thus, the back and forth movements will carry in their wake the smells of the pots. You can also put the jars in places that are more prone to bad smells, such as toilets... The fragrance given off by the composition will thus help to kill dirty odors without rubbing off on the freshness of the atmosphere.

Based on fresh flowers

Finally, even if theoretically potpourris are made from dried flowers and leaves, there are currently potpourris made from fresh flowers. It involves arranging layers of fresh flowers, of different kinds or not, in a pot and separating them with salt. The action of the latter will lead after two to three weeks to an effect of a fragrant dry paste to which other components will be added, such as orange lemon zest or other aromatic flowers. But this composition is not ready like this, it will still have to be left to macerate for several months, but the result is worth it...