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Flowers and their meaning

What woman doesn't love flowers? But did you know that flowers also have a certain meaning? So if you want to give flowers as a gift next time, first immerse yourself in the flowers and their meaning.

Say it with flowers

A bunch of flowers to thank someone, to put a heart under the belt or to congratulate someone. We often don't think about it and give a bunch of flowers because the colours, the price or the composition appeal to us. It is rarely considered that flowers have a specific meaning. The saying goes:say it with flowers.

Flowers and their meaning

Plants and flowers are among the most popular gifts. In addition, flowers are the most chosen motifs when it comes to tattoos. Now before you run to the store to buy a bunch of flowers or make a flower arrangement yourself, here's the meaning of the different flowers. Note:not only flowers, but also associated colors have a meaning.


The rose has been seen as a symbol of love for centuries. Do you want to give a rose? Pay special attention to the color. Red roses symbolize love and passion. Pink roses, on the other hand, symbolize infatuation or early love, youth and beauty.

White roses symbolize eternal love and purity. If you choose yellow roses, you show gratitude, friendship and fun. So you can safely give this to someone with whom you have no relationship. Unfortunately, there is also a negative meaning to yellow roses, which is infidelity. Finally, orange roses symbolize happiness and contentment.


The meaning of carnations has changed over the years. Moreover, the meaning is related to one's culture. Keep this in mind if you want to give someone carnations as a gift. For example, carnations in the former Soviet Union symbolize solidarity, revolt, but also justice. In the Netherlands, the white carnation has a completely different meaning. It was introduced in 2007 as a symbol of appreciation for veterans on Veterans Day. If you are in The Hague on Veterans Day, you will see veterans everywhere with a white carnation in their buttonhole.

Many people also equate the carnation with the rose in meaning. Just like with roses, you have to pay attention to the color when giving. This has a major influence on the meaning of the flower.


The Netherlands is the country of tulips par excellence. Many people have these flowers in the garden. And if this is not the case, you can enjoy the vast blooming fields in the bulb region. Tulips are also perfect for gift giving. With tulips, the meaning is closely related to the color.

White tulips signify both eternal love and transience. You give purple tulips as a sign of love at first sight. However, it can also be a sign of modesty. Often, however, people give a colorful mix of different colors of tulips. If you receive or give this, this stands for:joy of life. The perfect choice for a birthday or to wish someone a get well soon.


Not exactly a cut flower, but a flowering plant with a strong symbolism. The flower consists of dozens of small flowers and symbolizes respect and admiration. Unfortunately, there is also a negative side to it. The flower is also used to symbolize vanity.


Freesias are primarily chosen for their wonderful fragrance. In addition to the wonderful smell, they also have a very nice meaning. These delicate flowers are a sign of tenderness. Do you want to convince someone of your loyalty and unconditional love? Then you choose white freesias. It is not surprising that these flowers are often chosen for a wedding.


The calla is available in countless colors and color combinations. Basically you can choose any color except white. White stands for immortality and this is precisely why these flowers are used during funerals. However, the calla also symbolizes elegance and beauty.


The peony is a very popular cut flower. Not surprising when you consider that there is also a whole row of nice meanings behind it:beauty, wealth, honor and happiness.


Dahlias are beautiful flowers that stand out for their beauty. These are synonymous with luxury and power. As with the roses, the meaning of dahlias depends on the color. Red dahlias are an expression of love and strong affection. Yellow dahlias are a sign of gratitude, while white dahlias are a symbol of cleanliness.


Whether it's an imposing two-meter sunflower or a cute miniature sunflower, the name actually indicates what the flower stands for. Like the sun, the flower radiates warmth and joy. The flower is often associated with charity, for example De Zonnebloem.


When you say gerbera, you say:appreciation, sincerity and friendship. If you give a gerbera, you are actually saying that life becomes more beautiful with that person by your side. And it doesn't have to be relational at all. The gerbera is the perfect flower to underline a friendship.


Lilies are loved, not least because of their strong scent. These beautiful flowers and plants are available in the most diverse colours. Again, the meaning is related to the color. White lilies are mainly used at funerals. That is no coincidence, because in that case the white lily stands for light and hope (life in the afterlife). If you give lilies as a gift, you express your appreciation for the other person. In addition, the flower stands for:purity, love and dignity.


Anemones raise their heads as soon as winter is over. These short blooming flowers therefore symbolize transience. On the other hand, they are also a sign of hope (winter is over and spring is approaching) and expectation.


Ranunculus can be found in the most diverse colours. The striking flowers are a real eye-catcher. It is precisely the fact that the flowers are so striking that they are a symbol of joie de vivre, graceful and unique.


A bit of a dubious flower, which is by no means allowed to be grown everywhere because of the opium law. Here in the Netherlands you see them everywhere and nowhere. In the past these were mainly red, nowadays you have all kinds of variants and colors. Unfortunately, the meaning of this flower is mainly negative, precisely because of the fact that opium can be made from it. The meanings range from temptation to forgetting, sleep and even death. Not so suitable for gift giving, receiving or getting a tattoo.


The iris is also known as sword lily and is derived from Greek mythology. Iris was the goddess of the rainbow and a messenger of the gods. The meaning is therefore derived from this. Iris stands for a good message, creativity and loyalty.


Most people know gladiolus especially from the Four Days Marches. It is not for nothing that participants receive a gladiolus at the end of the Four Days Marches. The flower symbolizes victory, pride and character. In ancient times, gladiators who won a battle were given a gladiolus as a sign of victory. Centuries ago, the flower symbolized something completely different, namely love.


The amaryllis is a typical winter bloomer that provides a little color in the house during the dark days. This beautiful flower growing on a sturdy stem is a sign of pride and grace. Want to let someone know that you admire them? Then give an amaryllis as a gift.


We walk past it so often and don't pay attention to the beauty of these little flowers. A pity, because children often pay attention to them and they often pick these flowers to surprise their mother. However small the flowers may be, the significance is not small. The flowers represent:strength, love, modesty and appropriately childlike innocence. Now that you know this meaning, you will probably look at it differently the next time your child comes home with a 'bunch' of daisies.

Primula or primula

Most people only know the primrose under the Latin name Primula. Translated, this means as much as 'the first'. This name fits perfectly with the primrose, as it is one of the early spring bloomers. Even a little snow can't stop these flowers from blooming. The primrose therefore stands for sun and convenience.

Tagetes or tagetes

The name is a bit crazy when you consider that flower originates from South America. There the flowers bloom in the fall. The flowers are also known as the flower of death. Sounds very crude, but that's because the flowers always bloom for the first time on the Mexican Day of the Dead. On this day, all the dead rise from their graves to celebrate the day with the living. The orange color of the marigold stands for death. The flowers are used extensively on that day to brighten graves and special offering tables for the dead. With this the Mexicans want to show the dead their way back to the city.

Perhaps a very sinister meaning, but fortunately of little importance to us. Here the flowers are mainly used to protect other crops (vegetables) in the vegetable garden against aphids.


The legend of the hyacinth describes the death of Hyacinthos. He was the son of the king of the Spartans. He died in an accident with the god Apollo. According to legend, a purple hyacinth grew on the spot where he died. In the past, they were rare plants that were only reserved for the very rich. Hence, the hyacinth is the symbol of pride, power and recognition. At the same time, it is the flower of choice to express affection and peace.


The color is also important for the chrysanthemum. White chrysanthemums are mainly used in tombstones as a sign of mourning. However contradictory it may be:yellow chrysanthemums have a completely different meaning. These stand for happiness, while red chrysanthemums are also an expression of love.


The first thing you notice about these flowers is the fact that there are numerous small flowers growing on the stem. This gives the snapdragon a particularly fine appearance. This also corresponds to its meaning:trust and keeping a secret.


Just to add a personal note:I love orchids and can't get enough of them. The orchid is a beautiful flower that stands out because of its exotic appearance. Do you receive an orchid as a gift? Good news, because that's a way of expressing admiration for you without using words. However, there is also another meaning:passion and desire.


When you hear jasmine, the first thing you probably think of is the wonderful scent of these graceful flowers. However, the white flowers also have a meaning. The plant symbolizes purity, modesty, but also strength, however contradictory that may seem.


Azaleas are usually sold in pots. Did you get an azalea? Then the giver proves to you that he or she is loyal to you. In addition, the azalea stands for happiness and confidence.


A beautiful flower that comes from Southeast Asia. There, the flower is strongly related to its meaning:wealth and fame. Hawaii has just chosen this flower as its state symbol. There the flower is synonymous with power and respect. By the way, Hawaii is not the only country to have the flower attached to the national flag. That also applies to Malaysia.

In addition to the previously mentioned meanings, the hibiscus has another meaning:that of beauty. It is not for nothing that brides in Borneo are given a hibiscus flower in their hair as a sign of extreme beauty.


The flower immediately catches the eye because of its size and fragrance. The smell is attractive which is also completely in accordance with the meaning (attractiveness).

Did you already know the meaning of all these flowers? And what is your favorite flower (with or without meaning)?