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16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

At home I don't even have a coffee maker with good old filters.

Yet, I always make sure to have some at home. Why?

Because they have many practical uses around the house. Which ones?

In this list, we have selected all the amazing uses of coffee filters for you.

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

If you have coffee filters, even if they are a little old, you will be able to give them a second life easily!

When you are told that nothing is lost, everything is recycled. Watch:

1. Clean screens

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Coffee filters are great for cleaning screens without leaving lint. Use them for TV, computer or tablet for example. You will be surprised at their effectiveness. Check out the trick here.

2. Filter wine deposits

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Coffee filters are great for removing small bits of cork when you crack the cork in a bottle of wine. Just pour the wine through the coffee filter into a decanter and all the cork bits will be trapped! It also works if your wine has sediment on the bottom. Conversely, I also use them to remove excess liquid from food. Especially for homemade pumpkin purées that I thaw.

3. Serve the pastries

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Use coffee filters to present all kinds of pastries on a large tray. You can also use it to present an individual pastry.

4. Protect fingers from dripping ice

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

When your children eat ice cream, does it leak everywhere? Take out a coffee filter to surround the cone and keep children's fingers dry.

5. Maintain soil in flower pots

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Place a coffee filter in the bottom of a flower pot before adding soil. The coffee filter prevents soil from escaping through the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot without preventing water from flowing out. Check out the trick here.

6. Protect porcelain

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Put a coffee filter between the porcelain plates when storing them in your cupboards. This avoids scratches. This trick also works for cups and dishes...

7. Remove fat from fried foods

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Place a few coffee filters on a plate. When frying food, lay it on top to absorb excess fat. They are the perfect shape and size to fit on a large plate!

8. Make flowers

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

To make cute paper flowers, just follow this tutorial.

9. Make a flower crown

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

There are several variations of the flower crown made with coffee filters, but here is one, in the shape of a heart, very nice.

10. Brew the tea

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

If you don't have the means to brew loose leaf tea, use a coffee filter! Put the leaves in it, and pour the hot water over it.

11. Protect cast iron pans

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Put coffee filters between cast iron pans to absorb excess moisture and prevent rust. Of course, it also works for pans.

12. Cut out decorations for Christmas

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Use coffee filters that you have flattened to create pretty snowflakes.

13. Storing delicate vegetables

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

You can place delicate vegetables in coffee filters to preserve them and protect them from humidity. Especially for asparagus, mushrooms...

14. Mastering a bouquet garni

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

The downside with bouquets garni is that it gets scattered everywhere. The trick is to put the bouquet garni in a coffee filter, close it with a little string. There you go, the bouquet garni will diffuse its aromas without scattering its leaves everywhere.

15. Saving runny makeup

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

To catch up with make-up that shines, we generally use absorbent paper. Have you tried the coffee filter? Super absorbent, it instantly mattifies your skin and removes excess makeup.

16. Deodorize shoes

16 Amazing Uses of Coffee Filters.

Put baking soda in a closed coffee filter. Then, place it in shoes to absorb odors.