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3 Smart Tips for Weeding my Paths in the Garden!

3 Smart Tips for Weeding my Paths in the Garden!

You know what? I've had enough of these weeds rotting my driveways!

A little sun, a little rain... and the weeds spread at breakneck speed.

Don't like chemical weeding? Me neither.

Come and discover my 3 tips for smart weeding in the garden!

3 Smart Tips for Weeding my Paths in the Garden!

1. Hand weeding the solitaries of the paths

If you're like me, always planted in front of a computer to work, weeding is a great way to exercise, relax, and get some fresh air and sunshine.

Ideal for perfecting a peasant tan and getting rid of THE rebellious dimpling!

Driveways are the easiest to weed if I go there regularly. Bad luck, I have an adorable long-haired dog, who wanders from the garden to the terrace. And it's a real bad seed bus.

For that, I have 2 other tips for the most affected areas.

2. Boiling water, top of the top natural weed killer

I collect the cooking water of my potatoes or that of green beans... In short, the one that has already been used to cook my food. History of not needing to heat it on purpose, because it's eco-smart.

Do you always follow me ? OK. I pour (slowly) the still boiling water directly on the plants that have colonized the driveway or a gap in my beautiful concrete paving.

Even cold potato cooking water has a fairly powerful weed-killing effect . I spray it on the quackgrass, the most difficult grass to eradicate.

3. I mulch with recycled material under the gravel

You have noticed ? If you leave a board flat on the grass for a long time, it turns yellow. If you leave it there for a very long time, it disappears.

This is the principle of mulching :no light, no oxygen. Look, you need air and light to live. The plant, just the same... With this:"Bye bye the weed"!

But, you will have to really anticipate or be very patient. It takes time to "smother" unwanted weed! Especially the famous quackgrass - yes, him again...

My thing:plan to mulch the underlay of my driveway . And for that, I don't need to drag my coattails to the local Bricomagasin to buy this mulching felt e too expensive!

Do you have carpet scraps? This will do! And if you don't have one, pick it up from a friend who is redoing his floors, an ugly end of line that Bricomagasin gets rid of, or even a scrap from the local recycling center (but hey, a clean one, anyway)!

How? 'Or' What ? I remove the gravel, I lay down pieces of carpet tightly on my driveway, keeping them well glued to the ground, then I redeposit a good layer of gravel on top. And hop, "Adios, the undesirables!"

Smart, isn't it?

Of course, there are other ways to weed ... Example:if you have a steam cleaner at home , it will be very effective on very small areas, rebels to the 3 tips above. But it will cost you more, that's for sure.

I suggest you try, if you already have one at home and just on one or two weeds.

Your turn...

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