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10 habits of people who always have a clean house

Cleaning the house is not one of the most fun jobs. But a clean environment is important for your health and it makes you a bit happier. The best thing you can do is make sure that the house is always clean and organized, and it's very simple. How to do that, you can read here.

1. Always tidy up your clothes immediately, don't leave them lying around.

2. Get rid of all the unnecessary things you own.

3. Keep all your papers organized.

4. Wipe all surfaces immediately after each use.

5. Only use your bed for sleeping, not for littering.

6. Make your bed every day.

7. Put away your shoes and coats every time.

8. Wash all dishes immediately after use, or put them in the dishwasher.

9. Clean up everything after using it.

10. Vacuum and mop regularly.