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The 9 Secrets of People Who ALWAYS Have a Clean and Tidy House.

The 9 Secrets of People Who ALWAYS Have a Clean and Tidy House.

But how do people who have always a nickel house?

What are their secrets for always have a clean and tidy house?

The solution is much simpler than it looks...

For a perfectly clean house, all you need to know are the tips that make the difference on a daily basis.

Ready to discover the secrets of the cleaning pros?

Here is the guide to 9 things to do to have a clean and tidy home . Watch:

The 9 Secrets of People Who ALWAYS Have a Clean and Tidy House.

Click here to print this guide in PDF.


1. Take off your shoes

People with a clean house NEVER keep their shoes on when they come home.

Wearing shoes at home brings in bacteria, dirt and lots of other nasty stuff that then sticks to indoor floors and carpets.

Tip: Use 2 doormats, one for the exterior of the front door and the other for the interior of your home. This provides twice the protection against bacteria and dirt. And for your guests, hang a nice little sign next to the front door!

2. Make your bed in the morning

The bed is the first thing you notice in a bedroom.

Making your bed is a quick and easy step that instantly gives a sense of order, even if the rest of the bedroom is a bit messy.

Tip: to make your bed faster, lift the corners of the mattress and easily tuck the sheets and blankets underneath.

3. Clean the kitchen counter

People who always have a clean house NEVER go to bed before tidying up and cleaning their kitchen counters. Often, a simple wipe with a damp sponge is enough to instantly make the kitchen cleaner.

Tip: use pretty bins to keep clutter at bay and store small items like keys, mail, and important documents.

4. Cleaning while cooking

Because NO ONE wants to do the dishes after a good hearty meal! So do the heavy lifting during you cook and before to sit down at the table. That way, you'll only have a few plates left to clean at the end of your meal!

Tip: empty the dishwasher BEFORE preparing food. When you're done using a pot or other kitchen utensil, clean them right away or put them straight in the dishwasher.

To discover: 3 Simple Steps To Thoroughly Clean Your Dishwasher.

5. Clean the shower walls

Avoiding water spots and mold is quick and easy. Simply wipe down the shower walls with a squeegee or microfiber cloth after each use.

Tip: keep your gear handy! A microfiber cloth can easily be stored on a towel rack and a squeegee in the shower cubicle.

The 9 Secrets of People Who ALWAYS Have a Clean and Tidy House.

6. Sweep the floors every night

The best way to avoid dust bunnies is to sweep a microfiber mop before going to bed.

A small effective gesture that will help you easily remove all the dust that has fallen on the floors... and prevent it from spreading to the rest of the house.

Tip: Keep your baseboards clean by wiping them down with fabric softener. A useful trick to avoid static electricity, and which will allow dust to fall directly on the floor (easier to sweep up), instead of accumulating on the baseboard.

To discover: How to Clean Laminate Flooring Like a PRO (Without Streaks).

7. Put away your clothes without waiting

It's always tempting to throw your clothes on the bed, on a chair or on the floor, especially after a long day at work. Instead, people with clean homes always take seconds to fold and put away their clothes, or put them in the hamper when they get dirty.

Take a quick tour of your house before going to bed and put all the dirty clothes in the laundry basket. You'll be amazed how much cleaner and tidy your house will look just by picking up those few clothes lying around!

Tip: add a dry towel to the wet laundry in the dryer to cut the drying time in half. The clothes will be completely dry and the towel will be slightly damp. Just lay it out to finish drying.

8. Wipe down the bathroom sink and mirror

After each toothbrushing, people who always have a clean house quickly wipe up any small splashes of toothpaste on the sink, faucet or mirror.

Tip: Keep a microfiber cloth by the sink. It is perfect for cleaning the mirror without leaving streaks and eliminates toothpaste splatters.

9. Follow the 2 minute rule

The 2 minute rule is super simple:

"If it takes less than two minutes, do it now."

It's one of the best ways to fight procrastination and get straight into action. Apply this rule to all the small tasks that tend to pile up, such as putting things away piled up on your dressing table, clothes rolled up in a ball on a chair, putting leftovers in Tupperware, etc.

Tip: Test it! The 2-minute rule will help you take action faster. So why not try it with one of the points on this list?

Your turn...

Have you tried these 9 tips to keep your home clean and tidy? Let us know in the comments if it worked. We can't wait to read you!