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10 ways to be a good neighbor

Today, most people don't really know their neighbors. They don't really know what's going on in the lives of those who live next door to them. That's not the way it used to be or the way it should be, because the saying goes "better a good neighbor than a distant friend"! So here are 10 ways you can be a good neighbor.

1. Say hello. A friendly smile and a wave to a neighbor when you go outside can be a start to creating a pleasant atmosphere.

2. Start a call. If you see the neighbors, start a conversation and get to know them better. Stick to safe topics, at least until you know him or her quite well.

3. Turn the music down. This is simple. Make sure the music isn't loud, especially late at night. If you should have a party, let the neighbors know in advance and set it to a reasonable volume.

4. Don't let your dog bark incessantly. Whether you have a garden or live 3 high behind, a dog's barking can be heard and disturbed by other people. Do not leave the dog alone at home for too long or go on a course to stop it from barking. Ask the neighbors if it bothers them.

5. Reach out. Invite a neighbor over for a drink or meal. Or invite a few neighbors over for a backyard barbecue. Investing time to get to know the neighbors will help make things harmonious and easier if any problems arise.

6. Don't be curious. If you're invited to a neighbor's house, don't be nosy. An invitation doesn't mean he or she wants to give you a tour of every room. Also, don't try to dig into your neighbors' personal lives.

7. Don't ask for too many favors. Just because your neighbors live next door doesn't mean you can constantly harass them. You can ask for a favor every now and then, but if you ask too much, they may feel like you're taking advantage of them.

8. Don't gossip. Do not gossip with the neighbors about other neighbors, or vice versa. They will soon find out, and before you know it, no one will want to interfere with you.

9. Give your neighbors some space. Neighbors who have good relations with each other should also have good boundaries. Don't pass by without their invitation. If you want to tell or ask something, start with the question:"Is this a good time to talk?"

10. Discuss problems. If a problem arises, talk to them personally. Approach the situation pleasantly rather than resorting to a nasty comment or a call to the police.