There is nothing more relaxing than ending your day with a nice hot herbal tea .
It's a soothing ritual, even in summer when it's hotter.
But when the tea is finished, most people toss the bag in the trash without thinking.
After all, what could you possibly do with a used tea bag?
Well, a number of things and especially in the garden!
Here are 10 good reasons to bury your tea bags in the ground instead of throwing them in the trash . Watch:
Did you know that most tea bags are made from abaca, a variety of banana tree? More specifically, the fiber from the stems of abaca leaves is used to make manila hemp. The bag will therefore decompose easily and quickly. As for the small plastic used to seal the tea bags, it disappears within six months.
Yes, planting tea in the ground adds nutrients to the soil. Indeed, its leaves contain tannic acid and nutrients that are a natural fertilizer for your flowers. As the leaves slowly decompose, they gradually release these nutrients into the soil, helping your plants grow.
Whether you put your bags on the compost heap or bury them in the garden, it's always less waste in the bin!
Used tea bags (just like coffee grounds for that matter) keep insects away from your plants. Indeed, the particular smell of tea bags deters pests from eating your flowers and vegetables. Handy, isn't it?
Sprinkle coffee grounds or brewed tea around your garden to prevent Felix from urinating on your favorite plants. You can also put it all around your houseplants so he won't chew on them.
Believe it or not, your old tea bags can be used as a substrate to create a mini sprouter. To do this, simply insert the seed of the plant into an old tea bag, which you will have made a small slit in the side. Once the seed is in the bag, put the bag in a peat pot and moisten until the seed germinates and is ready to be transplanted.
If you add used tea bags to the compost bin, the acid in the tea will speed up the process of compost decomposition. As a result, you will be able to use this compost more quickly.
Not only are worms safe to consume tea leaves, they love it! Once they digest the leaves, they produce nutrient-rich droppings. This makes the soil healthier and stimulates plant growth.
Bury your tea bags near the roots of your plants, flowers or vegetables. Why ? Because it retains more water and keeps moisture close to the plants when they need it. If you do this, you will see, your plants will stay in great shape longer.
The tannic acid contained in tea leaves stimulates the flowering of roses. It seems that they are very fond of it to produce more beautiful and larger flowers. Put your old tea bags in the soil around the rose bush. By watering them, the nutrients in the tea will diffuse into the soil. And that's also true with banana peels!