When the pickles are done, what do you do with the juice in the jar ?
You throw it down the sink or the toilet, right?
It's true that it doesn't look super appetizing like that...
Plus, who would think it's good for anything else, other than storing pickles!?
Well no ! Above all, don't throw it away! Because you can use it for lots of things around the house.
This brackish juice is nothing less than a magical elixir. It heals, it heals and it keeps for a long time. Who says better?
If you don't know what to do with it, here are 17 amazing uses for pickle juice . Watch:
A good dose of pickle juice after a night of drinking will help stop the onset of a hangover. This relieves the headache from the first symptoms. Drink it before going to bed or as soon as you wake up to avoid unpleasant surprises. That's also why some bars offer a "pickleback" on their menu, a kind of cocktail made from pickle juice... Yes, prevention is better than cure;)
Spray or pour pickle juice directly on weeds to get rid of them. The mixture of vinegar and salt is really effective in this case against weeds.
Yes, it's true! You can reuse the pickle juice to preserve other foods like carrots, eggs, peppers or whatever you really want. Put everything in the jar and leave for a few days before eating.
To spice up your deviled eggs, add about a tablespoon of pickle juice to your dill and egg yolk stuffing.
If you have heartburn, pickle juice can neutralize it. It's also great for minor stomach aches or morning sickness. Try it and you'll see, it works wonders!
Here is a use that will surprise you! If you don't believe me, pro athletes swear by pickle juice. They drink it before and after their workout. Thanks to its electrolyte content, it allows you to stay hydrated and restore what you have lost by sweating.
Pickle juice has been scientifically proven to stop muscle cramps. The sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium chloride contained in the juice fight cramps. Thanks to all this and its electrolytes, cramps do not appear. It is the ideal drink for athletes or people prone to cramps after exercise.
To soothe your sunburn, pass a sponge soaked in pickle juice. The vinegar in the sponge helps soothe the burn and prevent blisters. You can even pass a sliced pickle over particularly sore spots to relieve sunburn. A good trick that also works for children!
Pre-menstrual pain can be really unbearable... But by drinking 1 to 4 sips of pickle juice, these pains can subside. You can even prevent these pains by drinking 100 ml of this juice every day before your period cycle.
Pickle juice is rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E. These antioxidants fight free radicals, which helps slow the aging of the skin. They also help the immune system to protect itself against serious diseases.
The vinegar and salt in pickle juice has the advantage of being able to effectively fight the germs that are the cause of sore throats. If you or your children don't want to drink it, you can also simply gargle with it.
To balance the pH level of the stomach, and thus calm the heartburn, you can drink a glass of pickle juice. You can also eat a crunchy vegetable that has macerated in this juice. Some people have given up on medications specific to these ailments altogether and snack on a pickle with every meal. No more pain!
Clean your copper cookware with pickle juice. You can even soak the bottom of your pans in this juice or use it to scrub.
The vinegar in pickle juice helps boost metabolism. And since it is low in calories, it is an ideal ally to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Just be careful that the sodium levels in pickle juice don't have the opposite effect:retaining water instead of flushing it out.
Did you know that cocktail pros add pickle juice to their drinks to bring out all the flavors? Try putting a dab of it in your martini or bloody mary and you'll see the difference! It's the best kept secret for amazing cocktails!
The calcium chloride in the pickle brine melts the ice. Some states in the United States such as New Jersey and Pennsylvania use it to defrost city streets in winter. So the next time your driveway is slippery and frozen, grab a jar of pickles and just pour it over the ice.
Pickle juice can be used to marinate and tenderize meat. Use it as a marinade:leave your food in it overnight to give it a pleasant flavor. Then grill or fry them!
If you need to watch your salt intake because of kidney problems, high blood pressure, or another health condition, watch your pickle juice intake. Check with your doctor first.
Drinking pickle juice may sound gross, but start with a few sips, or mix it with something like apple juice. Others love to freeze it to make popsicles!