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Bouquet of peonies:9 tips for maintaining and preserving these pretty cut flowers for a long time

The first peonies of spring are here! This generous and graceful plant with tuberous roots, native to the Far East and China among others, charms florists and lovers of beautiful flowers on sunny days, from May to June. It must be said that we never tire of his tender floral aroma , which for some evokes the scent of rose, dew and lily of the valley; and its voluminous and round petals which bloom gradually and, depending on the variety, change color over time. It's not for nothing that the peony is a symbol of beauty, generosity, love and happiness . And for the little anecdote, when the Italian explorer Marco Polo discovered it for the first time in China, he nicknamed it the "rose as big as cabbage".

How to choose freshly cut peonies?

The peony is certainly a pretty flower, but it is also delicate and fragile . It requires a lot of attention and usually only keeps for five days. It is therefore necessary to maintain it properly with very simple gardening tips. Therefore, when buying a bouquet of cut peonies choose flowers that are still in bud (closed round) but not too tight . We should see some color. They will be able to bloom quietly over the days. In France, the peony culture is done in the south and more precisely in the department of Var, which has a hundred producers and as many varieties.

How to maintain a bouquet of peonies?

Once at home, the maintenance of your peonies begins. First of all, you need to remove the leaves from the flower on the stem so that they do not soak in water and rot. Also, you must regularly bevel the stems , so that the water is better absorbed. In addition, the peony needs a lot of water . It must be renewed every day with fresh, clean water.
Finally, do not neglect the location and the container of your bouquet of peonies. The vase should be deep and proportionate to the size of your flowers, and it should be placed in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Peonies do not like heat , you can cool it at night on a window sill.

Discover in our slideshow all our tips for keeping your bouquet of peonies longer.

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